So why am I paying $20 more for content that's already on the disc!?......
Do you really think WE are that stupid, Activision and Bungie!??
Yes cuz ur all wallets for them .lol jk
No, but they will still make a killing. For every 1 person refusing to buy it, there will be 2 who will buy it
They are suckers...and they're a lot of em.
Its just 20$ stupid dollars or u need to ask ur parents to get it for you? Stop conplaining
What do u care u don't have to ask your mommy and daddy...they buy it for you so they don't have to talk to you so you can stay in your room and play all day!'m sure they wish they aborted you.
Wow you people are complete twats, I hope you know that. You are skid marks on the underpants of society. Did mommy and daddy not pay enough attention to you when you were little? Is that why you regurgitate shit like that online anonymously? So WE have to notice you and pay attention to you? So you feel like you matter somehow? Typical attention seeking behavior of a man child with parental neglect issues. See grown ups go to big kid school and learn things like psychology and sociology. Try seeking attention in a positive way, because I'm sure mom and dad are so proud that you contribute to society in such meaningful ways like this.
Don't start nothin and there won't be nothin...I'm not the one who started it...pull your head out of your ass...I made a comment to bungie...yet somehow you cock sucking fools take it upon yourselves to try to answer for them...unless you really do work for them.
I was talking about the abortion comment dumb shit. Oh I think I struck a nerve lol. Does it make you feel like a big man to threaten me online? You and your issues are so transparent a psych 100 close could figure you out in 10 minutes. Go try some counseling man, the VA paid for mine but it was still the best decision I've made as an adult.
And when did I threaten you...are you sure you were in the military! Because if my sarcasm and harsh words threatened YOU...I think you never made it through boot camp, and settled for the Salvation Army...Cupcake!
"Don't start nothin, won't be nothin" pretty sure even to someone with a fifth grade education that actually does qualify as a threat.
If harsh words are a threat to really are a cupcake... Troll
Only to a completely defeated moron does a man speaking perfect sense become a troll. Its your only defense and that's ok, big words make him head hurt. Night Night champ.
Counseling?...obviously you are getting none from the "va", if anyone has issues it's you. But don't worry, E Bama, is gonna start another war for you and your social and academic reject idiots that couldn't finish high school, so you had to settle for the military, to join! Go try your psychology 99 with the towel head Fuc's you will be fighting soon.
Hahahahahaha. Coming from the high school dropout who himself couldn't even use the army as a last resort, yes I can tell you're a dropout; as can everyone else graced by the good fortune to read your babble. After 2 tours in each theatre as an MP my"towel fuc" fighting days are over. Please put down the controller and pick up a book, go get your GED and maybe the army will let you take my place. They love dysfunctional young men who need other people's validation, just like you.
I bet the Salvation Army medically discharged you from service...I'm sure your parents are sad you moved back in with them cause the sa won't give you meds anymore. Keep trolling.
I love making really stupid people look even more stupid. Now don't hit your head against the walls too hard out of frustration, mom and dad are asleep. Go watch some internet porn and get some shut eye big guy, you have a busy day of doing nothing ahead of you.
How will I ever make it back up after that haymaker? Good thing phones come with spell check huh? 2 syllable words can be hard to spell sometimes.
Keep trying Troll! Nite nite
Oh, You don't like when someone gives you a dose of your own medicine, do you? I may be a troll, but you are a dull witted internet bully. Which actually puts you beneath a eunuch. Wait... you likely don't even know what that is. Look it up and remember it the next time you want to spout idiocy like telling someone their parents wish they would have aborted them. Make sure you spell it the way I did and not phonetically, dumb shit.
Thought you were going to sleep...who needs attention?
Us big boys have this thing called a job, and when said job is in a busy steel mill some of us work overnight. I still have 90 minutes left of my 12 hour shift making 22 dollars an hour, your concern for my sleep schedule sure is sweet though. Thanks puddin. Now I shall return to posters who are not functionally retarded.
- work for $22 an hour...but you're not really working for it? You're posting/trolling on your phone, when you should be working!? What mill do you work for? I hope nothing you make, gets put into a car or bus or plane, where lives depend on the quality of workmanship! Not only are you retarded for not paying attention to your work...and having to join the military(salvation army)...and do several tours, to only end up at a steel mill...but you only make $22/ I make $42/hr and do half the work you do! I feel sorry for you and your parents! I hope the quality control at your mill is at least half as smart as you! LOL
Nobody that's as stupid as you are, as a high school drop out, is making more than minimum wage lol. I know it's the internet but at least try to be honest. I run a crane, and when you're good at your job Like I am,you create your own down time on top of what I already get. And with said down time I like to poke holes in the fabrications of morons such as yourself. Don't think I didn't notice you trying to church up your spelling and grammar too lol. Talking with stupid people is worse than arguing with a drunk lol
Don't care what you think...but I was wrong...I make $42/hr for a quarter of the work u do...:) Sounds like you're jealous These little talks have been fun but I see im wasting my time with trash like you. Have fun working hard for so litte. Since I make so much, I got a dollar so you can go back to elementary school and finish this time. Maybe that's the reason you make so little, you spend so much time in these forums instead of applying yourself to improve and hence the low paying let's recap Bubba Ex Military, low income, Living in a trailer or van down by the river and wondering how you turned out to be just like your parents said you would...a good for nuttin bum looking for friends in a forum since you don't have any in real life cause you were "medically"...aka mentally...discharged Wonder why they put you up in a crane? they don't have to deal with you.