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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 6:14:01 AM
Lol forza sucks. I've not played drive club and is probably not that great either.. But forza is nothing special like xbox fans pretend.

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  • Welp ive watched videos of horizon lately and can honestly say it looks better than driveclub can ever hope to be. I think id even trade in my glacier white ps4 for horizon because PSN is so shit

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  • Lol that is so bs

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  • Whats bs?

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  • Selling your ps4 to get an xbox for forza.

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  • That and a couple of other games and xb live subscription. Since the main reason im considering trading in my ps4 how shit PSN is is

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  • What other games? I have been thinking and honestly halo was the only exclusive i ever cared about on xbox, which i don't even miss now that destiny exists. Psn is fine. Coming from a 360 to ps4 was a breath of fresh air. It's cheaper. It doesn't rip you off just to use other random services. It doesn't make you buy one for EVERY SINGLE PROFILE. me and my gf to play online was over $110/yr on xbox. On playstation its like $50 and we get tons of games with it that we can both use, and on multiple systems. Have way more options and discounts too. It's slower to load messages sometimes, but I'll gladly take that one little issue lol.

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  • Also i bumped my ps4 on the corner of my desk and theres like an indentation on one side its barely noticable but me being the perfectionist i am, seeing it annoys me. If i do trade this ps4 in i know ill get another for some of the exclusives.

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  • Ha, yeah I know that feeling man ;( It's something that nobody else would probably ever notice, but it still bothers you every time because you know it's there. Practically everything I own has a tiny spot like that, making me relive the one clumsy moment when I caused it.

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  • Gta v, dragon age, AC: unity are all on my list. I can probably do without dragon age though even though the devs say it will be similar to origins (which was great) after spending $50 on DA:2 which was complete shit im not sure i want to give that company any money. i think ill wait until february for The Witcher for my RPG fix. I own both Witcher titles on PC and neither was a let down. And it seems like its only getting better with each releaze

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  • But none of those are exclusives I mean, so forza would be the net only gain. And if you like rpgs, Bloodborne is coming out next year on ps4 (made by the same guys who did dark souls). Its always seemed to me that Sony consoles got better rpgs and platformers and msoft got more sports and racing games. Idgaf about sports but I like racing games, just not so much the simulator, track limited type ones. I have more fun on NFS being able to customize more and dodging traffic or police. Unity I'm just not feeling the appeal.. I like black flag quite a bit, but I don't see that as a good fit for multiplayer.

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  • Didnt like dark souls the controls were to stiff IMO but bloodborne i def want. It looks like diablo and baldurs gate had sex and made a beautiful baby. I like the xbox1 dashboard better too (its basically windows 8) plus you can use skype. I've already payed for the 1TB xb1 that comes with CoD that ill probably barely play so im getting xb1 for sure. Whether i trade in my ps4 is still up in the air

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  • I can't stand win8 or the blatant ads so i prefer the ps4 layout. The 360 ui I liked until they updated to that and crammed ads everywhere. Ps3 layout I didn't really care for because it was just copy/pasted from the psp lol. Also I don't actually know anybody who uses skype (or that I'd want to video chat with) so that didn't bother me. I'm sure Sony will have an equivalent eventually but Microsoft bought Skype so obviously that one is locked down. Sony has the shared gameplay and streaming features though, and morpheus for AR down the line which is going to be down right terrifying for deadspace type games. I don't like cod either but that system looked kinda cool, i wish the destiny ps4 was more themed.. Plain white with no logos doesn't seem as special. They should have put the traveler lore drawings or something on it. Or at least the game logo. You can always swap in a bigger drive to either though. Only costs about $50 for a 1tb.

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  • Yeah i want the CoD edition more or less for the aesthetics it comes with the limited CoD controller with the gold d pad which is sweet imo. And i agree the plain white is nothing special after seeing the cod xb1 im mad i got so stoked over the glacier white ps4. Traveler or Destiny logo wouldve added a little more cool factor

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  • Yeah, you can get some cool vinyl skins though, I'd probably get something to add if i had the white version. There's an urban camo themed ps4 controller, so I'm not sure why they couldn't make something special for that bundle. They even have some cool ones that cover the light bar so that only a pattern will show. [url=][/url]

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  • Those lightbar decals are cool my gf would love the batman ones

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  • Gran turismo 7 is a MUST have i've been gaming for a long time since the very first NFS came out on an ancient system called 3DO. NFS wasnt as arcade like as it is now. It was all about driving through a large country/mountainside while feeling as realistic as a racer could in 1996. Lost interest in NFS after hot pursuit 2 came out. I prefer racing sims for sure

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  • That and a couple of other games and xb live subscription. Since ghe main reason im considering trading in my ps4 is how shit PSN is

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