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Discuss all things Destiny.
10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Well bungie, it seems that before your game came out, almost no one was bitching about it or the idea of it or what you [u]promised[/u]. The worst you would see is some troll talking about how Destiny is gonna suck and COD rules, are the trolls right? I mean obviously not about COD ( they made seven games with campaigns that take an hour and a half ) but, does Destiny [SomeWhat] suck? A lot of people definitely play it, me included. But listening to almost [b]all[/b] the replies to your topics, (which is more than you by the way) to me it seems that there is at least one comment about something bad about the game that gets ~742 bumps. Are you not listening? Do you not care? The bungie i grew up on was one i wanted to work for. [b][i][u]WORK FOR[/u][/i][/b] i remember telling my teacher that when i grow up, i wanna work for my favowite gaming company, [spoiler]Bungie[/spoiler] I am not a fanboy nor a hater, i am a concerned gamer who loves a good game or two. Thank you Bungie for probably not reading this and crushing my dreams/childhood, Oscar J. Hunter.

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