If you guys never heard what Bungie made by selling Destiny then I don't think you would be complaining as much. Who cares if they made 500 million. Who cares that they may have saved future parts of the game for expansions. You all think they are being cheap asses by not throwing it all in at once but really they are just just being business men which it should be for any game really comming out on any new console here in the future. We are spoiled with these new crazy games that look so real and that we get so lost in. Bungie has a huge name with the halo franchise in their back pocket and I think "fans" are doubting there ability to re create what brought a large majority of the destiny player base to this game. Quit judging them so early.
Halo 3 was my favorite game ever. If I had quit at halo 1 because I didn't like it I would have never had the fun experiences with Halo 3 that I will remember for ever. Let them work their kinks out and produce a quality game without harassing them about things you read on forums. I would be suprised if half of the people on the forums really feel as strongly as they portray through their comments.
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