Try to understand the difference between:
- Activision [i]NOT [/i]selling an [i]entire[/i] content pack to Microsoft's competitor's user base for a [b]few months[/b], and
- Activision selling a [i]cut up[/i] version of the [i]same[/i] content pack to Sony's competitor's user base with a content exclusivity lock so long that no one will care when the content is finally unlocked [b]next fall[/b].
These are apples to oranges comparisons. In the Microsoft/Activision case, PS players simply never had access to ANY of the content to purchase until the relatively short exclusivity period ended. In the Sony/Activision/Bungie case, they're trying to bilk Xbox owners into paying the same price for content, some of which will be irrelevant by the time it becomes available to them.
One year exclusivity is not a "first look". As a PS4 owner and a gamer, I side with those angry about this because it's bad for [i]all gamers[/i], period. This kind of crap will only continue to fracture the gaming community for the sake of money to the point where every game we buy ends up being merely a shell for various exclusive microtransactions.
Bump for glory