We got all these people posting bitching at bungie when they probably should be bitching at activision. Think about it... They probably heard bungie wanted to make destiny and move on from Microsoft. Then thought "holy shit, were going to have competition for COD. How can we stop this? I know throw money at them! Then just before release.... Will restrict them to fit our DLC mold. Then will make sure the servers break! By the time bungie recovers no one will every want to play a bungie game again and they will all coming crawling back to COD!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!!
(Insanely evil laughter)
Lol or at least this is what I pictured.
Im not sure how but this makes more sense then any theory and at the same time if its not true... the alternative is worse.
Lol that makes so much sense, that has to be what happened
This is what activision do to COD anyway, after ghosts I promised I would never touch another activision game again, but then this came along and I saw bungies name on it too... beginning to think everything activision touch turns to crap.
Oh man dont even start on ghosts that game was pure garbage. Hated it so much, but i do know what you mean. Activision just ruins everything. Which is a shame
I have always found it interesting how activision has managed to escape blame when it comes to there association with games. Treyarch shouldered the blame for the last COD. Yet activision remains the one constant in crap servers and dlc
I would give this +infinite rep but not possible. Seriously though, people seem to fail when it comes to seeing the constants, and the last few games activision have published seem to fit the following criterea: make a game, throw money at hyping and advertising, release before it is finished to see if it's worth finishing before risking profits. Excellent business model, not one that will last very long when too many people catch on to it.