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originally posted in: The Dark Below
Edited by Shaoltang: 10/30/2014 6:55:02 AM
I think that if you genuinely, objectively look at the game as a whole it's pretty impressive and Bungie deserves some respect for that. However, the constant negative feedback and Bungie's inability to respond to that feedback in any way has created this situation where gamers feel it's us vs Bungie, or good vs evil. It's all really just basic collective condition psychology. Groups will often unite and further strengthen their beliefs if they feel unanswered. This is exactly what is happening right here. The lack of communication and poor relations management from Bungie's side can still be fixed. All people want is integrity, transparency and the ability to admit failure. Perhaps then we can regain what once was a prospering, healthy community.

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  • There is some truth to that. The problem with your theory though is that every movement has a beginning. People had to have issues and questions before bungie could ignore them. I personally belive that if the story was better, or even if the ending left a good impression, most of this rage would have never started.

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  • Yes, it is true that there are certain things lacking or not as pleasing as people wanted them to be. If there was nothing to complain in the first place people would be happier in general. I was merely pointing out the current situation, and the seeming fact that unless handled with care, it is going to get worse.

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  • If it is possible to stop the tide of criticisms it'll take more then better pr. That probably could have stopped or slowed the rage monster in its early development, but at this point it's hard to imagine what they could say to stop it. Direct action is the only thing that will stop the full grown beast, in my opinion. A grand gesture to mix things up; a free dlc, or at least a price reduction, would go a long way.

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  • Agreed, they need to work on gamer/development relations, big-time.

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  • It's not communication, it's the damn game it's self. There are so many stuff left out of the base game. Did you this dlc was supposed to be in the base game! Not only that the story sucks and it is EXTERMELY easy to get bored. If bungie did not make halo, destiny would be another forgotten game like it deserves.

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  • Great post.

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  • Edited by Leon: 10/30/2014 7:22:06 AM
    Thank you sir yeah u are right... i still love the game but they have to admit that somethings are going wrong... Maybe they have to hire a few more people to watch over the forums like those blue post from blizzard Here i have the feeling only deej is on them

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  • No it's not its a giant let down with little content a million bugs it sucks and you know it bungie fan boy

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  • Drunk dan

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  • I -blam!-ing love you for this

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