Ok what you playstation fanboys dont get is that xbox owners arent complaining just because they arent getting the same things as playstation. I play destiny on ps4 but i played halo for years. Bungie is giving the extra content to the same fanboys who go on every halo related post and trash it. All they say is halo is trash and for xbox players to get over the remake. Thats who you reward bungie. You might have something against microsoft or whatever idc, but dont punish ur fans and the ones who support your halo franchise and played the game for years
Why do you generalize the "PS fanboys" thing. It's a small community of "fanboys" compared to players in general. I could give two shits about Xbox users gettin the exact same content as PS players, I'd welcome it, but don't automatically think every PS player is a fanboy
Like as though Xbox fanboys didn't trash pretty much every Sony exclusive. Please stop generalizing.
I didnt say that xbox fanboys dont. But ps fanboys trash the game bungie made. And they are getting special treatment that thousands of xbox players dont get when they gave bungie their millions
Same thing with insomniac games and sunset overdrive. Let's stop with nonsensical console wars.
I agree they are nonsensical but this is just about destiny and this stupid expansion i love both consoles and enjoy playing both. Both have great exclusives. But destiny is ripping off all players since the content is already on the disc just they are ripping xbox owners a little more
Xbox users shoudlnt be paying same.price for less content.
I had an Xbox 360 and I loved halo, upgraded to a PS4 is awesome because he company I love now accommodate for the better console this console generation!
Bungie is in a contract. They have no choice.
Im pretty sure bungie read that contract before signing it. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Or it came up later. Either way. Who else would have funded the game?
Who else would have funded the game? It's bungie and they're coming off one of the best selling game series ever. Who in the gaming industry wouldn't have funded the game? Taking playstation's money wasn't a necessity. That being said, you can't blame them for taking the cash. Until the courts crack down on what should be illegal under antitrust laws, or the gaming community makes them pay with their wallets, developers will keep taking bribes from both sides of the aisle and everyone will lose.
I guess you have a point. Still doesnt make things right
Edited by JOSH55886: 10/30/2014 7:11:17 AMNever said it did. Anyways. I agree to a point. No idea why it's exclusive for a whole year.