Thank god, I can't wait. Oh i guess i am going to need to wait, 2...more...months, until a 3 story mission, 3 multiplayer map, 2 strike, and 1 raid mission DLC expansion pack. Don't know how much longer this game is going to keep my attention. "Division"...where are you?
Anyone wanna take bets that we are going to need to defend our garage door opener "Dink Bot", against 3 waves of enemies to finish each of the 3 new missions? They screwed this game harder than a 2 cent street whore on payday.
Your logic makes no sense, along with many others. If someone says something about how messed up this game is you and the aforementioned "many others" say get rid of the game or just don't play anymore. This is bad for everyone that does like the game, which I do personally, it is just getting very monotonous at this point. Back to the resonance why your logic is flawed, if enough people just stop playing the game the studio has no more incentive to make more content because they're not going to turn enough of a profit or any profit at all, in a capitalist society it doesn't make sense to keep making content for a product that has no upgrowth financially. So many of these comments could be avoided if Bungie didn't go to bed with the devil (Activision), took another year to develope the story for a more immersive experience, and release the product that was presented to everyone back in 2103. The problem with having a publisher coming in and saying we are going to invest $500M is, they kind of own you at that point, that also means you have lose a ton of creative control over your product. They want profits as fast as possible and they can and will force you to do what they want to turn those profits. Just saying look at the whole picture instead of your narrow minded fanboy perspective. If you question how much I like the game, check my profile, really it's sad. Couldn't imagine playing a game that long and hating every minute of it. The game has a great feel and it is imo it's, better than COD and Battlefield. I have always liked the HALO shooter mechanics, it just feels good to me. That being said they came up way short on the PvE content for this game and that is a pretty serious thing. The dev teams pre launch statement about how PvP wasn't going to be the main focus and thats where they felt like they went wrong in the past with HALO just focusing on the competitive gameplay instead of the building upon the story with dlc's (paraphrasing). I just wanted to see so much more from this game than what was initially given to us, but we don't get everything that we want now so I will just play it till the next best thing. DIVISION...
Bro im dying omfg, thats hilarious, but game is -blam!-ed, im every sense of the word.
Sell this game please do me a favor and just sell it please