That person who buys my copy will have access to many reviews of the game so should be able to decide if it is his/her type of game. I was misled, I bought on release day not knowing of the lack of storyline, sub-par content and repetitive gameplay
I wouldn't necessarily say there is A lack of story, more that, difficulty accessing it. Read the grimoire cards, work towards unlocking the extra 1100 points, and stories you don't have unlocked.
I have recently become a dad, I don't have time to read through text from another source. Destiny should have been a visual experience with cut scenes running as loading screens instead of watching the same monotonous ship orbiting a planet
First off, congratulations! Second, I agree, they should have an in game library where you listen to the grimoire cards, instead of going on the app to read them. (Took me less than 45 min to read them all) I just wanted to point out, the story is there.
Thats the life of a grinder , and its not even finished , i swear you people cant have patience ,maybe thats why so many like call of duty tsk tsk
More go back to call of duty insults. Have no interest in cod, I have far cry 4 on pre order, I will put my money from destiny towards the evil within possibly or shadow of mordor. Storyline and content and pushing boundaries over repitition.
Mmm seems legit , seems you made ur descisions , and thats cool far cry 4 :3 , lol and to think that im still buying cod . Dont get me wrong im also a huge nintendo fan :3 #mario kart #supersmashbros4 #ORAS