Conveniently glossed over in this announcement: more Sony favoritism that serves as a middle finger obnoxiously shoved in the face of every Xbox player who has been with Bungie via Halo for well over a decade and telling them that they are not worth a damn compared to a lucrative deal with a former rival. And it's not the first time this blatant favoritism and infantile pandering has reared its ugly head in the realm of Destiny. It started out innocent enough; some exclusive armor that would be made available to the other side at a later time, and it didn't take long before we all realized that by the time we have access to this content, it would be ultimately worthless compared to the gear we've already acquired, thus the only Xbox players who benefit from this content being made available to them are the ones who won't buy the game until said content is available (and if they have their ear to the ground listening to what the community has to say, the vast majority of them will NOT be purchasing Destiny at any time). But then it got worse. We find out that Playstation players also got an exclusive strike, giving them more content, more "story" (if what we have here can be called a story at this point) and more chances to earn gear and with one more strike in the list, they have a slightly less repetitive experience (but only slightly). Now you've got your first DLC expansion lined up and once again Playstation players are getting the executive treatment while the Xbox players (you know, the community that kept your studio in business for over a decade and that you claim to be so grateful for yet immediately chuck aside because somebody waved something green in your face), they get nothing but a vague promise that "sometime" next year it "should" be made available. No. It SHOULD be made available the same time as everyone else, or else why the hell did we buy it in the first place if we can't get the full experience until Sony decides to unclench their collective anuses? Bad form, Bungie. Bad form.
You made your choice. Everyone knew XBox was a sinking ship when their first wave of policies was revealed. Feeling VERY happy to be on the PS4 right now. With this DLC thats 2 extra strikes! Booya!
I must apologize, I feel sorry for you and your situation. Obviously you've been living under a rock for the last decade (give or take). Let me bring you up to date: the economy is a cesspool, contrary to the kool-aid the Obama fanboys have been drinking we are STILL deeply in a recession, and the vast majority of us can't afford to drop half a grand on a new video game console. Hell, I had to trade in over a dozen games just to get Destiny on the 360, and let me tell you, I'm getting more and more pissed that ALL xbox players are getting shafted here and not getting the content we paid for (and that's putting aside the fact that none of us, xbox or PS, got the deep, innovative, mind-blowing story and gameplay we were promised for years). So now that you're up to date on the economy, let's talk game industry. Bungie has been exclusively providing games for Microsoft/xbox for well over a decade. To put it bluntly, Sony fanboys, WE, the xbox gamers, are the ones who kept Bungie's collective heads above water as they made their first venture out of the garage they were working in and into the mainstream, and we not only kept them afloat, we blew them away with our support for their entire Halo franchise. It stomped on quite a few toes when Bungie decided to throw Halo aside to a studio that so far hasn't had the foggiest idea what to do with it, but 343's utter failure with Halo 4 helped many of us realize that we weren't solely Halo fans, we were BUNGIE fans. So I don't know whether to say Activision screwed the pooch and Bungie got thrown under the bus for it, or if Bungie has somehow forgotten the community that brought them to the top, but I do know I'm sick of this exclusivity bullcrap.
It's 1 extra strike. Xbox gets 1 strike and Ps gets 2.
Playstation got three sets of exclusive armor, an exclusive launch day strike, and now an exclusive DLC strike. It's not "just one extra strike," this is the THIRD PS exclusive to date. Try to keep up.
I was talking about strikes in the expansion, nothing else. But i realize reading comprehension is probably above your 2nd grade education.
You would be funny, if you were someone else and had said something completely different. Let me break it down for you: unlike some empty-headed simpletons, I am not only capable, but in fact strive to see the BIG PICTURE. Not just the tiny little tidbits that are the extent of some individual's ability to comprehend at any given time. I look at the entire situation, the culmination of all those tiny little single-pixel attributes that you can't see beyond. This is no longer just a one time deal. This has set a precedent. A trend. An ongoing display of blatant favoritism (or disdain, depending on which side of the fence you are on) that can, and very likely will, kill this game, and by association, the entire franchise, and furthermore could very well be the beginning of the end not simply for Destiny, but for Bungie and Activision for the entire xbox community. Big picture, kid. Like I said, try to keep up.
But PS4 already has an extra one as well so this makes 2.
Every Sony fan boy took a hit on graphic parity just because of whiny Xbox dbags like your self. Stfu and mind your own system, skunt!
I'll bet it took you all day to come up with that dreck. But I'll clue you in: the graphic nerfing was decided on by Bungie/Activision, not the gamers. THEY decided that they wanted as level a playing field as possible (which became pure hypocrisy when they started pumping out PS exclusives one after another) so really, what would you prefer, "better" graphics, or 20% less content entirely? Yea, I thought so. Grow up and join the real world, kid.
I honestly can't understand the hate towards PS... its swings and round abouts mate... Xbox will get exclusive content on another game soon enough. It's how it works, they have their core base of halo following and now they are trying to get PS users to do the same that's all... your time will come again soon... just chill.
I'm not playing another game, I'm playing Destiny. Saying that some other game that I likely will have NO interest in (which is pretty much every other franchise out there, like CoD, GoW, Borderlands, Assassin's Creed, and all the wash-rinse-repeat zombie obsessed wastes of disc space, for starters) will one day get an xbox exclusive bit of content is irrelevant. I spent my money on Destiny. I spent the same amount of money as every other player who purchased Destiny (unless they didn't spring for the limited edition, or dug deeper for the Ghost edition). It is not the least bit unreasonable for me to expect to get the same content I paid for as everyone else, particularly when coming from the console family that MADE Bungie what it is today. You can mock the Halo following, but had it not been for the Halo players, Bungie would most likely still be 5 guys working out of a garage in the middle of nowhere instead of being one of the top names in gaming. I'm not saying they should bow down and kiss our feet for keeping them going for over a decade, I'd just like a little more than empty lip service while they give exclusives to the people who were so stubbornly set in supporting Sony that they couldn't even be bothered to pick up an xbox at a garage sale for 10% of the retail price so they could see for themselves what all the Halo fuss was about.
Woah... If you took my post that I apologise. I'm not mocking halo at all! I love that whole saga an my friend who has xbox let me co-op the whole thing with him. I'm just saying each console gets exclusives. It's a trend that has happened and will forever more happen that way
I'm fine with certain exclusives. For now, Halo is xbox exclusive. For the longest time Final Fantasy was a playstation exclusive. Pokemon, thus far, is Nintendo exclusive. I have no problem with individual console families having their exclusive "flagship" franchises, so to speak. But when you do a cross-platform game, the only reason anyone should get something the other doesn't should be a matter of "their hardware can handle it and yours can't." When the Smackdown Vs Raw series was on Xbox, Playstation, and the Wii I had no problem with each console having a unique features. The Wii, for example, was the only one to get motion controls because, at the time, Nintendo had the only motion-control supporting console (eventually Sony ganked their idea with the PS Move and Xbox decided they could supposedly "push the envelope" by eliminating the controller entirely in exchange for having to calibrate the stupid thing every single time). That kind of exclusivity I can understand. But saying "we're going to give this console an exclusive for at least a year, maybe more, we're not telling, and we're doing this because, uh...reasons, yea, that's it. Reasons. But hey exclusives happen, right? No big deal." Sorry, it kinda is. Honestly, I hate that kind of exclusive. I also hate retailer exclusives because let's face it, even if everyone has the money to buy the same thing, not everyone has access to the same stores (and then you have the morons like 343 who say "hey, let's have 15 different retailer exclusives that would force a gamer to buy no less than 6 redundant copies of our game to get them all!"). And then there's the simple fact that if you make something exclusive to a retailer, that retailer will not necessarily have the supply to keep up with the demand. Exclusives hurt the gamers, period. It doesn't do anything to the studios, or the developers, or the console kings.
What a bunch of cry babies. I'm an Xbox user and have been a COD player for many years. Why all the hate for PS users? Xboxer's have been getting COD maps early for years. Boots on the other foot and it becomes a virtual crime. Moan, moan, moan.
Hey, dimwit, I'm an xbox player, not a PS user. Try to keep up with the program here. And honestly, I don't give two hoots and a holler about CoD exclusive content because I don't play CoD. The only reason I've ever played CoD was because it was the only game a friend of mine played. But now we both play Destiny, and for the most part we enjoy it, but when Bungie/Activision made such a huge deal about trying to make everything equal across all platforms and then turned around and started licking boots in the Sony camp, understandably that didn't sit well.
Edited by xHx Garbage: 10/30/2014 10:11:24 AM[Redacted]
Edited by Guardian Vex: 10/30/2014 8:25:05 AMThis is nothing more than an assassination! and bungie has picked a side! Bungie you should be ashamed of yourselves for what you have done, its your fans that have been screwed over not microsoft! and you still have the indecency to charge us the same price as well as forgetting to mention the exclusive is for almost a year! at least when xbox did it it was for a month tops! outraged!
"..we can't get the full experience until Sony decides to unclench their collective anuses?" While I agree with the notion that everyone should be getting content for 3rd party games/series at the same time, the above statement is dripping in so much irony that it takes a better man than me to ignore. SONY unclench their anuses? Pretty sure (by which I mean completely, without a doubt, certain) that Micro$haft were the ones to start this stupid war of exclusives in 3rd party games. To begin with in games like Call of Duty, and more recently with Tomb Raider (like you so eloquently put, a series that started and grew on a "rival" console). The latter isn't just exclusive content, either. It's a sequel to a franchise, an entire game, that has a timed exclusivity. It's a disease that is affecting gamers on both sides, but it is a disease that the Xbox created. To reiterate, I don't like exclusivity at all, I think all games and content should be available across all consoles, so more gamers get to enjoy more great experiences, irregardless of what console they decided to buy (obviously games developed by studios owned by the console manufactorer excluded).
"Irregardless" isn't a word, but regardless of that, the point is moot because I Don't look at games in terms of the console company it's on, I go to the source: the developers. Let's face it, neither Sony, nor Microsoft, nor Nintendo would have enjoyed the success they've all had at one point or another without the independent developers and gaming studios providing them with games worth playing. "$ony vs Micro$oft" bravado is irrelevant, petty, and serves no purpose. Doesn't matter what either of them offer a developer or what conditions they slap on their agreement, it is still the developer's choice whether they go along with it, or tell them flat out "you give us what we need or you don't get the most hyped game of the last 3 years, period."
I agree, but at least when Microsoft does it, it's only like a month (Tomb Raider) or 1 week CoD dlc. This is exactly why I don't buy sony. And after this stunt, no more bungie. The only reason I'm still here is because I was stupid enough to buy the season pass. Never again.
Remember, Activision controls everything Bungie does. Stop buying their games if you want to try and effect change. Was online with someone last night who was pissed at how much content he felt was missing from Destiny, but then went on to express his desire for the next COD. I explained to him why, if he felt that way, he should refrain from giving his money to anything with Activision's name on it, that all these companies ever want is a financial return for their investment, and that money is the thing that talks the most. He replied "hmm...yeah. But I want it"... And therein lies the problem.
I bought Destiny because it's a Bungie game, not because Activision was involved. I know Bungie. I have thoroughly enjoyed THEIR Halo since the beginning (343 has yet to do anything noteworthy with the franchise except to bury it in launch day issues that will never be fixed despite literally dozens of full out title updates). I'm not a CoD player. I've only played one of their games one time because it was the only game in the house (brother bought it at a tag sale) that a friend of mine and I both have. Now we both have Destiny and Reach, so CoD goes back in the drawer never to be seen again. But let me reiterate, I bought this game as a BUNGIE fan, just as even if it wasn't a Fable game, I would consider buying a title put out by Lionhead. Whether the bottleneck is on Sony's end, or if Activision is the goat here, honestly I don't care half as much about who the problem is so much as the problem itself.
Lol, see I don't have that problem. I can't stand CoD, I pretty much don't like anything Activision does, just bought this cuz of bungie.
Then you, sir, are that much smarter than everyone else! I saw Activision's name on the box and got a feeling which I chose to ignore. And now I know :-p