why is everyone complaining so much about destiny its an amazing game yes there is repetition same as cod playin same strike repeatedly is no different than playin tdm or kill confirmed over and over. sure story could use some more and some type of huge weekly or daily event would be the best thing to happen and theirs plenty of room and time for them to add these things. yall are wanting everything thrown in the game to quickly. i would rather see bungie take there time and come out with the perfect thing that will make this a 10 year game rather than have them throw in somethin that looks good at first and just add to the list of bugs and shortcomings. some type of survival mode, and defense event or even an assault event to try and set up base camps on other planets would be excellent touches. adding a event before the release of the dlc and then permanently adding a small camp on the moon as a prelude to the raid on crota, would love to see something like that. lets say about a week before the dlc a call goes out to all guardians saying the Vanguard has obtained some disturbing intel on the hive and is asking all guardians to participate in an assault on the moons surface to set up a command post for further reconnaissance operations and possibly an assault into the hive catacombs. battles rage between guardians hive and fallen at the anchor of light, archers line, and the hellmouth. specials bounties and rewards for this event included. and at the end when the dlc comes out and the fighting has died down have a small portion of the anchor of light be in vanguard hands like for instance the space where the fallen walker event takes place. in that space, a small base camp their offering bounties and other hive related stuff.
if they could do this type of stuff and expand on it to where we would have outposts on every planet and further guardians reaches onto new planets i could definitely see this being a 10 year game but like i said it will all take time don't expect it all so quickly. it has bugs it has flaws its a great game anyway. also i don't care about my grammar or punctuation.
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