I'm 26 years old child. And I'm done with this conversation. You can barely spell or put together a simple sentence, so I would ASSUME your critical thinking and reaction time is just as slow and inadequate as your vocabulary.
And you know whats the most interesting part of your rebuttle ?, how you pointed out my vocabulary and spelling , which in turn; is not even pertaining to the subject at hand, again i applaud you good sir , and tip my hat again .
I've made my point clear several times child, you're just so dumb and uneducated you can't even see what's right in front of your oily, disgusting, pimply face.
Mmmm all im seeing is low diction .....really low diction .....
Sigh ...it seems you came disfuntion-old , your arents would never let you win arguments thus leading to you arguing to win on these forums as a grown man , its psychological , should i refer you to a doctor ?
First off this is the internet ....whooo cares , unless your an english teacher with some sort of pet pieve , second im only 8 years younger than you , so thats not really what i would call a kid much less a child . Sigh * ur just a feeble old minded fool with no adequate space to fathom whats hovering over your ill mannered disgusting head . I tip my hat to you good sir.