How could I possibly "Build on to my Legend" when my so called legend is generally going to look exactly the same as another charctwr or have the same exact weapons because they're sold at Xur for fat too cheap ....
The lack of customization kills the happiness a lot more than anything for me all I'm saying is all 30s look alike when it comes to glass and so will all 32's there will be nothing impressive about it just a show of how much time you've invested or how lucky you are.
I just feel sad that the cone is so minimal that I'll be anticipating other games more than even being reminded that Destiny exists. I was such a huge fan and supporter the more I see how you treat your community with such a closed door I'm losing faith, which makes me think Halo really may have been lighting in a bottle.
I already am finding myself doing the raid and nightfall then not playing the rest of the week because noth I ng else is worth doing once you've done the exotic bounties, so much potential....but now it's Sunset Overdrive, CoD, Dragon Age, and The Division I'm waiting for, simply because you didn't deliver what was promised :(...
Does anyone else remember the original ViDoc wuth the out here in the wild cutscene? Where the awoken says out here in the wild this is how we talk? Or when one of the deva said We'd be able to go to Saturn? I dare you to go watch it, and you'll even more armor variants that are be I ng worked on that never made it into the final product.
I've been a fan since halo 1, but I'm hanging on by less than a thread right now...
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