The largest budget for a game in history and Bungie can't afford to release this abysmally small content as a free patch as they should. Unacceptable.
personally I believe any more than £15 for DLC, unless it has a ridiculous amount of content, is too much. we all know Activision have priced this, and the Advanced Warfare DLC will be as useless and expensive as we have come to know. Borderlands charged £8 for a DLC that has content for days, literally.
I am willing to pay 10 for this content and nothing more. I am currently scrolling through Halo 4 DLCs and what they're offering in Destiny is not worth more than 10. 3 story missions. Ha. No Destiny November, No DLC December.
worst part is, those 3 new missions will probably just be "we've woken the Hive" and "defend me while I take an hour to hack into their Email account", just in a different area.
Takes me all the way back to FF7; no matter how fast you run from that bomb in the reactor it goes off when you get to the exit. Dinklebot never manages to finish before you kill all the waves. So innovative. According to Harold Ryan the new story missions will be told in a way present in no other game. Please. He also apparently doesn't use the Internet because he doesn't think anyone uses matchmaking sites. What a tool, almost as bad as DeeJ. Can't wait to see what annoyingly obscure BS DeeJ has for us this time. Probably be some begging in there too.
I cannot bump this enough!