Your comment is also weak... You state one fact of why your disappointed and thats because the game isnt what you expected..
The game is better than i expected.. I didnt bother buying the game until i played it at a friends amd it enticed me...
Not every game is what u see it to be.
%50 of the people ranting will still go on to buying the game and the dlc
Ranting is a waste of time
When a game is being torn apart for making future dlc, have a third of the content to be expected from a 500 million dollar franchise, has absolutely no contact with their community and put "rich storytelling" on the back of the box, I would say that it is totally legitimate to file a complaint on this forum. I'm glad you find this game satisfying and I wish that I felt the same way, but I don't and as a costumer, the only thing I can do is give feedback.