[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Age of decision? I, along with many others have thoroughly enjoyed and continue to enjoy Destiny. The reason for this is because I made a decision. A choice. One that only I can hold myself accountable for. That decision, that choice is to accept and play the game for what it is. Each and every person here also made that choice. No one twisted your arms, threatened to kick your cat or dog if you didn't/don't buy/play Destiny. Bungie, in the bigger picture is a business. Businesses exist for one reason and that is to make money by SELLING a product or products and in this case, Destiny is that product. No one was forced to buy it. No one was forced to play it. It was a decision made at the individuals level. Period. If you don't like it, don't play it but don't sit in here or anywhere and piss and moan about a decision YOU made.