Just think about how much it costs to go to a fast food joint. Now do that like, 3 times. There, you have just payed for the DLC. Oh, and the DLC? Yeah, it won't tear up your insides and ruin your health.
... unless you just spend All your time playing games. But that's a different concern.
Also, the DLC? Yeah, it'll last Longer then the cheap fries and soda you got.
A lot of people are talking prices like it's 15 years ago. $20 today isn't really that huge of a gamble on something.
I can't even begin to list the amount of crap that I have wasted More then that on, and I'm pretty sure, I'm gonna enjoy what I get out of this DLC.
Could things have been better organized? Yeah, but they weren't for whatever reason. The world goes on. Either enjoy what the game has to offer, or leave. Nobody is forcing Anybody to either play, or buy the DLC.
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