And here is how Xbox players should come at all of this. "Huh... Oh well, shit happens. I'll just have fun with what I got." WHHHOOOAAA!!! No complaining? $20 out of my budget for hours of getting from 30 to 32, going through new story, i'm sure Trials of Osiris will be coming out soon if not around the same time. Playing randomly to attempt to get new lengdary's and Exotics. I mean, it is worth in my own opinion. COD does it all the time and one even complains. A better post would be; "Can we get some hotfixes on glitches and such, Bungie? Can we get a reward screen for after the raid? Can we fix enemy health popping back to about 1/6 health when they should die? Can we fix the constant Weasel, Baboon, Monkey, Chicken, etc. errors from constantly happening?"
Difference is Call of Duty is a fps where you know your going to play the maps 1000 times over..... Destiny is a suppose to be immersive not do the same shit 600 times over in hopes of getting 1 stupid exotic that isn't worth a shit.
I complain all the time. Not about CoD--don't play it--but about anything I play that uses the "snip n' ship" style of base game/DLC sale. My integrity is intact . Of course, that and $30.00 bought me the DLC, so maybe not...either way, screw activision.
Thank you. Thank you, Takii. So disappointing to see the tone of the majority of posts in the Forum; and what that says about the people posting - and by extension, #Gamers