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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 9:01:02 AM
Seriously. Second comment now. And I haven't seen a single person mention how unfair those new levels are. If it was taking your guardian level from 20 to 22. That'd be fine. Atleast my vault raid gear would still matter. But no. In order to be level 32 I'm just gonna have to get rid of all this raid armor I earnt and upgraded. It's useless now. So is the vault of glass. Why play it when you have as much chance at exotics in this raid and then the chance at level 32. Way to make the vault pointless. Way to make your game pointless. Literally every thing every guardian on here has done in their game, Just became useless. They just can't see that yet.

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  • I'm too worried to upgrade any gear I have, because I know it'll soon be obsolete.

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  • It sucks for sure. Makes you not wanna upgrade anything because material is hard to get but then you need that upgrade to get the armor you want to spend the shards on. Double-edge sword. Upgrade just 3 legendaries and then wait for that raid gear. Nothing else is worth it. Even then, consider intellect and those stats because that can change. Really. There's no end to it lol and that's kind of a good thing. It just sucks we all have to look alike.

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  • You probably need to be lvl 30 to even play the new raid. So you still need to go through VoG to hit lvl 30, than you'll be able to play the new raid. Playing VoG after that gives you ascendant materials and all the gear you get, can be converted to ascendant stuff. So VoG will never be pointless.

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  • Edited by Vinnie Killgasm: 10/30/2014 11:36:57 AM
    If that's the case then ok. I'll calm down and play the game again lol thanks for rationally replying and not calling me an idiot for my opinions. Though I don't think we will still get exotic gear from it once were like the level above. Because if were way down the track at level 40 and we can just solo the raid then it that will make it too easy to get exotics. So something will change there I think. Maybe and I think this is likely we will just be able to get the 9 legendary weapons and such still which is fine by me really.

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  • Havent you played a game where new content comes out and it with it comes the time when everyone has to replace their epic raid gear with greens and blues? Im referring to WoW here, but it is just part of a game like this. New patch, new content, and new gear means its time to keep grinding and farming for that new purple stuff. But you will likely keep your current vault gear for a while, considering you would need to be very lucky to get a whole new set of gear in a short amount of time.

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  • Becoming level 32 won't make Vault of Glass pointless... You can still run Vault of Glass for shards and energy... You just won't feel as inclined to run it, just like you don't feel inclined to run level 5 story missions because you've progressed past them...

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  • Edited by Vinnie Killgasm: 10/30/2014 11:27:54 AM
    I think you're right. And fair enough if that is the way it goes. As you point out all the other content follows that formula so yeah. I guess I'm just butt hurt like everyone else really but I just thought the raid was always meant to be good content. Like how we have the same 5 strikes to play I thought a year from now we would have 5 raids. A different one every night if you want. If as you say bungie wants it to be more like, take our new even better challenge now. And then that happens every 3 months then yeah I can adjust to that because in the end I trust bungie to deliver on that promise. And really that makes the end game way better to play through a year from now. It gives that goal to always go towards. Just now being at the start it doesn't feel exactly like that. Thank you. Through your comment and my thinking out loud. I'm now excited for what this means. Still sucks were all gonna look the same though lol

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  • Yeh I get what you mean... For them only to release one extra strike (two for ps4) and one new raid every couple months, if that's the gameplan, doesn't look promising for replay ability... Obviously RNG will play a part in how quickly people burn through this new content because if your the lucky one and gain the required raid gear to hit 32 in the first run or two you could be in the same position as many are now within 2-3weeks and have nothing to do but replay content and stockpile upgrade resources.... Just to make things clear I'm not complaining as I really enjoy destiny and will be looking to max out 3 characters to extend my game play!

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  • So it's not weird that I won't want RNGesus to be nice to me? Lol I kinda feel bad for all the level 30s now. Looking at it this way and I'm much happier with my level 29 xD gives me reason to keep playing. Seriously RNG. Don't give me any of the new armor xD

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  • Haha Nope... the longer RNGesus frustrates us the longer we will be playing the game... Although looking at it like that it kinda sounds as if Destinys life span is dependant on RNGesus ha.

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  • All of our life spans depend on RNGesus..

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  • Well played sir.

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  • How is the vault of glass pointless? To hit lvl 32, u need to hit lvl 30 first and to do that, u need to......... Yes... its at the tip of your tongue...... Come on..... say it. ...... YES, u need to play the vault of glass!!!!!! U idiot.

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  • I think he means that to get to lvl 32, your raid gear which you spammed VOG over and over for to get to 30 will have to be shelved or dismantled, one piece at a time as you find the new gear which will boost u higher... But tbf that's what happened with all my legendary crucible gear which I spent a -blam!- load of marks on and had maxed out before VOG even began... You do feel asif you've wasted time but I needed most that gear to play the vault anyway so needs must ..... Not my favourite way to play though that's for sure.

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  • This guy!!!!!!! He gets it.... thank the heavens im not the only Guardian that understands how to play.

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  • [quote]How is the vault of glass pointless? To hit lvl 32, u need to hit lvl 30 first and to do that, u need to......... Yes... its at the tip of your tongue...... Come on..... say it. ...... YES, u need to play the vault of glass!!!!!! U idiot.[/quote] Why puting idiot, the guy give his opinion and now u insult him.

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  • Yeah retard to get to lvl 32 they have new armour coming out so what armour you have now will be pointles,s that what he is saying use your -blam!-ing brain

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  • Oh u mean the -blam!-ing p.v.p gear??? The new gear thats only meant for the p.v.p like the crucible??? That same gear that will do u no -blam!-ing good for the raids or strikes in the p.v.e????? The very same gear that will give u p.v.p bonus but nothing for the p.v.e???? Thats wat ur talking about right??? Well done sir. U made me understand the errors of my....... Wait. ....... hmmmmm nope.... u 2 are truly retarded. Like I said before, understand the -blam!-ing game first, then once u have, come talk to me again!!!! P.v.p and p.v.e are 2 very different things. There's gear for each.... its not a "one size fits all" Deal.... This is y destiny is getting a bad rep. Because idiots like u don't understand the -blam!-ing game first!!!!

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  • Man. I wasted my time replying to you. He is referring to the new raid gear. It's quite obvious when you consider that this comment thread is about the new raid armor. But instead you're on here just trying to troll and insult people. Guys really. Don't reply to this guy from now. He's looking to make us angry is all. If you legitimately are concerned about what this means for the vault of glass. Bump this. Show an opinion. I don't want to spread hate. I want to make sure that everything we've done is worth something. Unless you all enjoy having the same gear equipped as everyone else who is 30 and then now 32. Which really, I don't see how anyone could.

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  • [quote]Oh u mean the -blam!-ing p.v.p gear??? The new gear thats only meant for the p.v.p like the crucible??? That same gear that will do u no -blam!-ing good for the raids or strikes in the p.v.e????? The very same gear that will give u p.v.p bonus but nothing for the p.v.e???? Thats wat ur talking about right??? Well done sir. U made me understand the errors of my....... Wait. ....... hmmmmm nope.... u 2 are truly retarded. Like I said before, understand the -blam!-ing game first, then once u have, come talk to me again!!!! P.v.p and p.v.e are 2 very different things. There's gear for each.... its not a "one size fits all" Deal.... This is y destiny is getting a bad rep. Because idiots like u don't understand the -blam!-ing game first!!!![/quote] Have you seen the ratings? How do you know they won't help you in pve?

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  • Also, we gamers decide wats p.v.e and wats p.v.p gear.... just like the vault of glass... bungie didnt tell us how to beat it... we did it our selfs.

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  • Like almost all mmo's, theres always 2 sets of gear for everything. P.v.p and p.v.e... dc universe has the same concept. Just look at the stats. The new gear stats favors only p.v.p. hence y its a p.v.p gear. As in more grenades, more orbs, faster health regen when near death. All the things that never really matter in p.v.e... p.v.e favors stats like small boost in damage, agility, intellect, special perks like killing oracles or other enemies faster, getting a bigger area splash damage for specials. Stuff like that.... its stats that determine if the gear u have is p.v.p or p.v.e

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  • Edited by CosmicWoIf: 10/30/2014 2:34:13 PM

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  • Edited by CosmicWoIf: 10/30/2014 2:33:42 PM

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