Could someone please explain why there isn't matchmaking for the raids? As is I have to shoot invites to random recent players or go online to find other random payers so I don't understand how matchmaking would make less cohesive teams.
I feel your pain, matchmaking would be such an easy fix, at the minute I can't play half of the game as I need other players, matchmaking would solve this in no time.
Join a clan that's what's there 4
Edited by JoelRocks: 10/30/2014 9:43:15 AMPlus I still have to go onto the clans online community boards to find a raid team wouldn't I? And it would still be random payers.
That's one option I suppose. Still don't understand why I should have to.
They previously said that they are worried about players leaving due the raid being hard for some.
Still happens with the current system. Not to mention they could use matchmaking to fill the gaps in teams the way they do in the crucible.
I know I have always done the raid with ransoms but apparently bungie can't do that for us so when have a million people commenting on these this well done bungie!