How is the vault of glass pointless? To hit lvl 32, u need to hit lvl 30 first and to do that, u need to......... Yes... its at the tip of your tongue...... Come on..... say it. ...... YES, u need to play the vault of glass!!!!!! U idiot.
I think he means that to get to lvl 32, your raid gear which you spammed VOG over and over for to get to 30 will have to be shelved or dismantled, one piece at a time as you find the new gear which will boost u higher... But tbf that's what happened with all my legendary crucible gear which I spent a -blam!- load of marks on and had maxed out before VOG even began... You do feel asif you've wasted time but I needed most that gear to play the vault anyway so needs must ..... Not my favourite way to play though that's for sure.
This guy!!!!!!! He gets it.... thank the heavens im not the only Guardian that understands how to play.
[quote]How is the vault of glass pointless? To hit lvl 32, u need to hit lvl 30 first and to do that, u need to......... Yes... its at the tip of your tongue...... Come on..... say it. ...... YES, u need to play the vault of glass!!!!!! U idiot.[/quote] Why puting idiot, the guy give his opinion and now u insult him.
Yeah retard to get to lvl 32 they have new armour coming out so what armour you have now will be pointles,s that what he is saying use your -blam!-ing brain
Oh u mean the -blam!-ing p.v.p gear??? The new gear thats only meant for the p.v.p like the crucible??? That same gear that will do u no -blam!-ing good for the raids or strikes in the p.v.e????? The very same gear that will give u p.v.p bonus but nothing for the p.v.e???? Thats wat ur talking about right??? Well done sir. U made me understand the errors of my....... Wait. ....... hmmmmm nope.... u 2 are truly retarded. Like I said before, understand the -blam!-ing game first, then once u have, come talk to me again!!!! P.v.p and p.v.e are 2 very different things. There's gear for each.... its not a "one size fits all" Deal.... This is y destiny is getting a bad rep. Because idiots like u don't understand the -blam!-ing game first!!!!
Man. I wasted my time replying to you. He is referring to the new raid gear. It's quite obvious when you consider that this comment thread is about the new raid armor. But instead you're on here just trying to troll and insult people. Guys really. Don't reply to this guy from now. He's looking to make us angry is all. If you legitimately are concerned about what this means for the vault of glass. Bump this. Show an opinion. I don't want to spread hate. I want to make sure that everything we've done is worth something. Unless you all enjoy having the same gear equipped as everyone else who is 30 and then now 32. Which really, I don't see how anyone could.
[quote]Oh u mean the -blam!-ing p.v.p gear??? The new gear thats only meant for the p.v.p like the crucible??? That same gear that will do u no -blam!-ing good for the raids or strikes in the p.v.e????? The very same gear that will give u p.v.p bonus but nothing for the p.v.e???? Thats wat ur talking about right??? Well done sir. U made me understand the errors of my....... Wait. ....... hmmmmm nope.... u 2 are truly retarded. Like I said before, understand the -blam!-ing game first, then once u have, come talk to me again!!!! P.v.p and p.v.e are 2 very different things. There's gear for each.... its not a "one size fits all" Deal.... This is y destiny is getting a bad rep. Because idiots like u don't understand the -blam!-ing game first!!!![/quote] Have you seen the ratings? How do you know they won't help you in pve?
Also, we gamers decide wats p.v.e and wats p.v.p gear.... just like the vault of glass... bungie didnt tell us how to beat it... we did it our selfs.
Like almost all mmo's, theres always 2 sets of gear for everything. P.v.p and p.v.e... dc universe has the same concept. Just look at the stats. The new gear stats favors only p.v.p. hence y its a p.v.p gear. As in more grenades, more orbs, faster health regen when near death. All the things that never really matter in p.v.e... p.v.e favors stats like small boost in damage, agility, intellect, special perks like killing oracles or other enemies faster, getting a bigger area splash damage for specials. Stuff like that.... its stats that determine if the gear u have is p.v.p or p.v.e
Edited by CosmicWoIf: 10/30/2014 2:34:13 PM
Edited by CosmicWoIf: 10/30/2014 2:33:42 PM
Lol hahaha naw, I just have common sense, something very very rare now a days. Lol and by the looks of it, seems u don't have it to realize something this simple in a game.
Edited by CosmicWoIf: 10/30/2014 2:31:59 PM
So we start from talking about a game to talking about friends in real life???? Seriously???? Lol god ur such a -blam!-ing retard. Yeah kid.u got me... thats it. u outsmarted me. Golly. Lol
Man, why be so offensive when I state my opinion of their game? Calling me an idiot is uncalled for and un provoked. The vault WILl be pointless. Get that level 30 gear then never play that raid again because now you're only gonna improve on the new raid. Thus making the vault useless and pointless. How can you defend that that is healthy for the game? And then you humour yourself with my disappointment and then insult me to boot. If you can't see why this isn't a good system. You sir are far more of an idiot. Not to mention that oh you may have to actually play the game comment. What gives you the impression that I don't play it? Are you assuming I'm one of those guys who complains about everything destiny does, constantly? I'm not. I'm complaining about this change in the raid because the raid truly matters to me. Because this game truly matters to me. So it's worth commenting here. Why do you post your comment? Just to laugh and insult someone. Way to go bro. Hope I made your day.
Seems ur a bigger idiot than I thought u were.... hmmmm... how can I make u understand?? ..... hmmmm... oh yeah, that's right!!!! PLAY THE -blam!-ING GAME AND UNDERSTAND HOW THE -blam!- THE GAME IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED!!!!! Seriously, the new raid will be lvl 30 to even enter. So how is the raid gear from the vog pointless? Are u that retarded to not understand? How else are u hitting lvl 30? Are u expecting to just run the new raid when ur lvl 27 or so??? Thats why real players don't take on new kids like u into the raids, u guys just -blam!- everything up for us. U dont like the game? Just leave dude. Gtfo and stay out. Let us real gamers enjoy the game.
I dot get it. What are you defending for them? Why are you so happy about everyone having the same armor? Why can't you understand at all. You don't even try to see the other side. You just insult and insult. You call me a kid and say that no one invites me to a game? Was I complaining about that? I have no problems with anything other then that the armor is to me and to other people who have also posted, now pointless. You and all your level 32 raid friends can go be happy about looking the same. To me there will never be a way that that's a good thing. So yeah. I really really didn't wanna reply to you. But then I realised. Every time you reply. My post gets more comments. So please tell me again why I should stop.
Because u sir, are stupid... lol need I say more?
Man I basically gave you an invitation. Please say more. I even pulled up a chair lol
Now ur talking my language sir lol
How so? Lol step brothers moment. Did we just become friends? XD
............. ummmm...... gasp...... just. ..... just maybe. ......
Wanna go play karate?!
[quote]Seems ur a bigger idiot than I thought u were.... hmmmm... how can I make u understand?? ..... hmmmm... oh yeah, that's right!!!! PLAY THE -blam!-ING GAME AND UNDERSTAND HOW THE -blam!- THE GAME IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED!!!!! Seriously, the new raid will be lvl 30 to even enter. So how is the raid gear from the vog pointless? Are u that retarded to not understand? How else are u hitting lvl 30? Are u expecting to just run the new raid when ur lvl 27 or so??? Thats why real players don't take on new kids like u into the raids, u guys just -blam!- everything up for us. U dont like the game? Just leave dude. Gtfo and stay out. Let us real gamers enjoy the game.[/quote] U -blam!-ing Looser. U will probably play this game alone in 10 years. Because u are the only gamer who truly understand how to play destiny. Seriously bro, get outside and find other pass time beside gaming. I am gaming for please u should do the same.