Because when you're matchmaking, Everyone has their own idea of how to deal with the bosses unless everyone is good at communicating and super open to ideas. When you form your own fire team, you got a selected group who do the same things together in depiction in which what works and what doesn't. It's more effective to have a selected few who you work closely with than matchmaking with complete strangers. As for filling that last spot, then I don't know what to tell you.
VOG and weekly strikes are suppose to be more "intimate" with your selected group. You're suppose to do things together as a group to be an effective fireteam. Does that make any sense?
I guess in theory that makes sense. In practice though every time I've played the raid it's been with randoms I spammed or was spammed by. A few times people have even gone rogue as you describe. You get your asses handed to you a few times then everyone starts working together by necessity. There's no doubt a team of friends is optimal, but why not have the option of matchmaking as a back up.
Even if there was matchmaking. What would stop you from still forming ur own fireteam? Besides your own lazyness. Just like in cruicble. U can make ur 6 man team then go in. Or randomly let it do for u. Raids would b the same way. They arnt gonna say. "theres match making for raids now, YOU CANNOT form a team before entering. Must b all random players"
So all the people that can't gather six people at once that rely on these forums to get people or straight up go to the tower and ask people to do it... They have similar strategies? Maybe not for you but a big chunk of the community joins raid groups with complete strangers. It's no different than matchmaking other than the extra work to recruit them.