Man, why be so offensive when I state my opinion of their game? Calling me an idiot is uncalled for and un provoked. The vault WILl be pointless. Get that level 30 gear then never play that raid again because now you're only gonna improve on the new raid. Thus making the vault useless and pointless. How can you defend that that is healthy for the game? And then you humour yourself with my disappointment and then insult me to boot. If you can't see why this isn't a good system. You sir are far more of an idiot. Not to mention that oh you may have to actually play the game comment. What gives you the impression that I don't play it? Are you assuming I'm one of those guys who complains about everything destiny does, constantly? I'm not. I'm complaining about this change in the raid because the raid truly matters to me. Because this game truly matters to me. So it's worth commenting here. Why do you post your comment? Just to laugh and insult someone. Way to go bro. Hope I made your day.
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