Destiny rules and bungie should make more games like it bump if you agree.
No more games like this from Bungie they sold us a beta an expect us to be happy they -blam!- content an expect us to buy ot an be thankful
What did I say earlier? bumps, no opinions this isn't a forum you ass hat this is a bump post now if this was in bumpinese I would be happy to give you an actual reply.
So destiny might be good but Bungie -blam!-ed it good
You've obviously never played a good rpg before...
Edited by Toon: 10/30/2014 3:00:17 PMYeah I play plenty of RPGs Such as: COD COD BLACK OPS COD BLACK OPS II COD modern warfare COD Modern Warfare II COD Advance Warfare (soon) COD Russian invasion COD China takes over I mean need I continue? I'm very diversified in my gaming of RPGs.
COD is an fps dip shit
No it's an MMORPGFPS if you had any idea what that entailed and didn't fanboy all over the place you would know this.
Okay, your obviously trolling because there is no way that anyone could be this stupid.
God you are so ignorant how can you even be smart enough to play destiny it's only one of the greatest FPS. Akin to skyrim and WOW.
Edited by Derp Herpula: 10/30/2014 3:29:52 PMComparing Destiny to skyrim and WOW is like comparing shit to diamonds.
Yeah they both come out of my asshole.
No, only destiny does
Big time bump!!!
What the hell is your problem I just asked you to bump not big time bump that's to much this isn't one of these posts.
Better then bumping his own shit over and over. That's the masterbation bump.
Look man the world needs to know that this game isn't a rip off if I have to bump myself off to reach the top I will. I am going to bump myself good and long.
Just so long as you understand that bumping yourself is never as good as the real thing.
I know *cries*
Edited by JoelRocks: 10/30/2014 9:48:44 AMIf destiny wasn't a good game there wouldn't be this level outrage. It would just be ignored with all the other shit games. The problem is it has the potential to be so much better. It's like a bronze metal marathon runner that's missing a lung and a few toes. Of course it's good, but you can't help but think that if it only had the missing pieces It'd be unstoppable.
In some strange way, I agree with you. Just a weird analogy... haha
TL;DR I didn't ask for your opinion. Just bump it.