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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Level cap seems to small, needs more strikes, a new planet and multi player needs to become more diverse look at halo for example this is multiplayer done right. Bungie needs to understand that it sold us on an epic space exploration game where loot was unique, the game we got come release date was a really awesome grind game with relativley limited choices when it comes to equipment especially endgame armour. DLC should be concerned with refreshing the players desire to play the game (especially since Destiny is a repetitive grind game) not drip feeding content and dangling a carrot which is what this looks like. I don't know if bungie will turn this game into a great well supported game i hope they do but the price we paid for our 2 expansion packs is slightly less than we paid for the game and this kind of feels like were being ripped off. I will keep playing for now and hope to see some improvements to events since iron banner seems to look like its going to be much better next time but i can't say you've won me over with this one

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