Then you should really just give up on gaming. Bungie is doing this, rockstar is making their games essentially free to play, monolith is doing the exact same thing as bungie... It's hard to win as a gamer.
Free to play games have more content than this, smash bros has more content than this, hell pokemon has more contenr then this. Give up on gaming? No not at all we need to let these companies know that we dont accept it which is hard because they feed off gullible fanboys.
Edited by DeadlyMidget273: 10/30/2014 10:39:42 AMMaybe not give up on gaming as a whole, but a lot of triple A games that are coming out are full of crap like this. The whole industry needs to get their act together, and the real problem is that they rarely listen to what we as gamers tell them. And that's because fanboys are willing to buy the zillionth identical Call of Duty that is exactly the same.