Here, map packs are 15, and i think its worth it in call of duty's case cause no one really buys cod for campaign, even then the zombies parts are starting to have story. But this..... the game itself isnt complete and as an expansion pass holder is feel so cheated right now. But yeah thats who they feed off of to make their sales they dont care about the people who acyually play their game a good amount
I agree. Game designers believe that what players want is pvp and only pvp, and that pve is barely worth the AI programming. I too have a season pass, and if there are not new planets in the next dlc I will be furious.
I wouldnt mind if there were new planets,but there already isnt enough story on the planets we have, but i hope that 3rd subclass rumor is true. If that rumor is true then there might be a chance that other things are hidden from us. I hope they plan on fleshing out the story a bit with some free dlc. Highly doubt it though