Level 28 strike playlist with legendary engram rewards. Do it, do it now...
Everybody will keep playing...
bump to this!
Isn't that called Nightfall except without the once a week limitation
And the hardass modifiers and matchmaking...
what annoyed me is that Void Burn is on the weekly, so Sekrion can 2 shot kill you, even at level 29. whoever thought that was a good idea wants pistol-whipping with a Thorn.
No, because nightfall gives out actual legendary and exotic items, this would simply be a step up from Tiger Strikes, allowing us to level our Cryptarch faster.
Ok but not legendary rewards, it would get farmed to death and have the same reward as nightfall!
at the least, a few extra blue engrams say 3 for each strike, plus whatever drops. I think that's fair.
Sure, I'd prefer telemetry's, motes or coins as rare's are useless and Cryptarch is a stingy bastard.