Why should I pay 20$ for this on my Xbox when for their 20$ Sony players get more from the DLC? Why would I pay you to rip me off?
To be fare they are ripping everyone off. If its anything like the dust palace your not missing much, just a play the buried city and imagine the enemies in different places, with yellow health bars.
Dear RNGesus, another one. Did you not pay any attention at all to how this game was advertised and sold over the summer? This has been known since day one, both the pricing and what the exclusives would be.
No, not DLC exclusivity. Don't get all high and mighty it's a fair question. After all you would not pay the same price for half a candy bar at the store right? No, you'd ask the store why they charged you for less.
Edited by LegendarySyn: 10/30/2014 11:54:10 AMIt isn't a fair question, this is not news. It's been known for months the expansion would contain PS exclusives. Also, your example needs work. It's more like if I buy the PS candy bar and it has 5 pieces whereas you buy the Xbox candy bar for the same price and it has 3. If you'd paid attention to the ad campaign, the PS candy bar boasts in every ad that they have 5 pieces instead of 3.
No I'm sorry but you are wrong. Yes we knew at the start Sony got extras, but not the whole time. No one said their ten year plan would include year long waits for Xbox at the same price.
Lol, just because you ignored the information does not mean it was not available. The entire reason I bought a PS to play Destiny (aside from having more friends on PS wanting to play it) was because of the information available about the timed exclusives, including those in the DLC, for the PS. I played the beta on my Xbox and decided I did not want to have to wait on those timed exclusives. You can't rewrite history to suit your complaint today. It's been known, it is not news.
Please don't get me wrong, I love both Bungie and Destiny. I just don't like being ripped off and this feels like a ripped off.
No not really. At no point did Bungie say they would charge Xbox owners more for less.
Edited by LegendarySyn: 10/30/2014 12:29:53 PMActually, they did. Over and over. The expansion pass has been for sale on both Xbox and PS since the preorders started this summer, at the price of $35 (or $20 each without the pass), unless you ordered an edition of the game that included it. In numerous interviews and the entire ad campaign, Bungie let customers know that BOTH expansions (Dark Below and House of Wolves) would include PS timed exclusives. It's been known that none of the timed exclusives will be available for Xbox until at least fall 2015. You are wrong, plain and simple. Here's discussion about it from July 8th 2014: [url]http://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/exclusive-ps4-dlc-within-destiny-dlc-lol-31415580/[/url] Here's more from August 2014: [url]http://www.polygon.com/2014/8/27/6075521/destiny-playstation-4-ps3-exclusives[/url] Even more: [url]http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/07/07/first-look-destiny-collectors-editions/#sf3597571[/url] Most importantly, Deej said it on this very site on July 7th 2014: [quote]As an added bonus for PlayStation platforms, the Destiny Expansion pass will also include additional exclusive content for Expansion I and II that will remain exclusive until at least Fall of 2015.[/quote] Which can be found right here: [url]http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-for-Collectors/en/News/News?aid=11642[/url] Anyone with any common sense could see that the expansion passes were priced the same from day one, that paired with this information, and there you have it. You'll get an update in a year and won't have to pay anything extra at that time, as promised all along.
My apologies. What you say is true. Total crap that sucks for Xbox fans, but none the less true.
Ahhahaha. Don't buy it then. In the end you'll just be someone who doesn't get to play the new content.
[quote]Ahhahaha. Don't buy it then. In the end you'll just be someone who doesn't get to play the new content.[/quote] Yeah, and why should I play it when by playing i am supporting greedy capitalism in the gamimg industry? This does not deserve my money, and if we collectively go against it, greedy capitalism will continue to exploit us consumers and gamers.