I dot get it. What are you defending for them? Why are you so happy about everyone having the same armor? Why can't you understand at all. You don't even try to see the other side. You just insult and insult. You call me a kid and say that no one invites me to a game? Was I complaining about that? I have no problems with anything other then that the armor is to me and to other people who have also posted, now pointless. You and all your level 32 raid friends can go be happy about looking the same. To me there will never be a way that that's a good thing. So yeah. I really really didn't wanna reply to you. But then I realised. Every time you reply. My post gets more comments. So please tell me again why I should stop.
Because u sir, are stupid... lol need I say more?
Man I basically gave you an invitation. Please say more. I even pulled up a chair lol
Now ur talking my language sir lol
How so? Lol step brothers moment. Did we just become friends? XD
............. ummmm...... gasp...... just. ..... just maybe. ......
Wanna go play karate?!