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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 11:14:48 AM
So...........what's this I hear about PlayStation getting an extra strike in the dlc? But yet we on Xbox are expected to pay the same amount of money? I understand the concept of allowing one console earlier access to dlc but what I have read and heard on this dlc is a joke. DeeJ please pass on the points below to your greedy as -blam!- bosses. 1. Pretty sure that once upon a time all you ever made was Xbox games so why the hell is it that difficult to code the same package for both consoles alike? 2. Your game is tiny, I can't believe that this took you 10 years to create, you lazy -blam!-tards! 3. Of all the comments supplied to your company I have never seen you act on any suggestions provided to you....hell I don't even think I've seen you acknowledge the fan base. Oh sorry, you mention ppls gamertags who have most revives etc....yeah I'm sure that keeps the fan boys happy. 4. I thought bungie was one of the rare devs that actually cared about the gamers and their roots that they came from. I mean let's face it, if you got a job at a dev and you aren't or never have had an interested in gaming - how the -blam!- have you got that job?! Well from one gamer to you Bungie- -blam!- you, -blam!- YOU! 5. -blam!- it! -blam!- you again Bungie! If anybody is going to reply on this please feel free to give Bungie the finger, in fact why don't we see how many "-blam!- you Bungie" we can get

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