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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 11:14:51 AM
Everything, every last thing that is in this DLC... should've been already in the game or at the very least quietly injected into the game patch after patch without Bungie even mentioning it. There are free-to-play MMO's out there that make better progress with their content [b]and[/b] gameplay without securing $500,000,000 at launch and without having 3,200,000 players at any period of their life-span! Bungie thinks it's building something that people would be interested in for 10 years? I doubt Destiny would be unique and compelling for the next 10 months! But... but... what's most insulting is that the things that could and would have made Destiny a wonderful game to get lost in were already out there before Bungie released the 1st Destiny trailer! Imagine how great Destiny could've been as a Mass Effect clone that did ME3 multiplayer better than ME3 because it'd focus on an entire campaign that could be played together with friends and not just a bunch of maps to go through with disjointed and disembodied voiceovers introducing the stages. Imagine what could be if we were allowed to customize individual maps and make our own "adventures" through modding and UGC tools? Tower-Defense with Fallen and Hive anyone? Heck... you want to go PvP all the way? Imagine a game where all players from every console on the planet (PS4 and XB1 alike) could play together and take part in Humanity's last fight as agents of Light [b]or[/b] Dark? Bungie talks about them wanting us playing [b]their[/b] game the way [b]they[/b] want us to play it... well, in my opinion that's the first and most critical mistake! If your imagination and vision is so severely limited, as you've proven it to be, and if you're not making the game so we're able to make it into an experience that feels Ours as much as it feels Yours, Bungie... then you're simply building us a prison for our imagination and hard earned dollars. Sorry Bungie, you're not the Developer I hoped you could convince me you were. I even thought that perhaps Destiny would be compelling enough to merit buying Halo MCC for the XB1 I'm buying this Sunday but I must bitterly congratulate you on saving me the money. Thanks, a disappointed Guardian.

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