I really need to stop buying season passes. Didn't think I needed to worry with bungie but then it turns out worse than ever.
This. I've never bought a a season pass ever, but with all the hype of destiny I thought I would be playing this game exclusively for years. But it seems like it's back to call of duty
It used to be I looked up to 3 gaming companies: Interplay, Bioware, and Bungie. Interplay is dead, and Bungie is just another megacorp. Bioware makes mistakes, but at least they're honest. Maybe I will go back to Mass Effect 3 multi.
I'm down for some mass effect 3 multiplayer
Turian Infiltrator w Argus/Mattock ftw!
Same here... this is just sad.
Agree, ive pre-order 3 games since destiny and im not doing any season pass or special editions. This game is decent but has left a sour taste.
My god stop complaining EVERYONE! Just be glad u get new maps and etc. if you have a problem with it, don't buy it and sell destiny, don't bring your freaking terrible comments on here,(in my opinion I love destiny and the new packs coming out)
Just think about this: the "DLC" is finished content that was planned to be in the full release, but is now locked on your disc, waiting for you to pay 35€ more just to play it people are pised off at corporate greed, which most likely is coming from activision, you can see what they do in CoD, they just want to suck the money out of the consumers, and it always works