Yeh I get what you mean... For them only to release one extra strike (two for ps4) and one new raid every couple months, if that's the gameplan, doesn't look promising for replay ability... Obviously RNG will play a part in how quickly people burn through this new content because if your the lucky one and gain the required raid gear to hit 32 in the first run or two you could be in the same position as many are now within 2-3weeks and have nothing to do but replay content and stockpile upgrade resources.... Just to make things clear I'm not complaining as I really enjoy destiny and will be looking to max out 3 characters to extend my game play!
So it's not weird that I won't want RNGesus to be nice to me? Lol I kinda feel bad for all the level 30s now. Looking at it this way and I'm much happier with my level 29 xD gives me reason to keep playing. Seriously RNG. Don't give me any of the new armor xD
Haha Nope... the longer RNGesus frustrates us the longer we will be playing the game... Although looking at it like that it kinda sounds as if Destinys life span is dependant on RNGesus ha.
All of our life spans depend on RNGesus..
Well played sir.