There's something in the article about Bungie trying some different way of telling Eris's story... who knows, maybe she'll be communicating with us while Dinklebot defends us... Or maybe they'll try to use dialog-trees and walls-of-text to get us interested in killing more Hive...
Most likely it'll be too-little, too-late.
In the interview he also said "have you done the thorn bounty?" Wtf better not be the story missions "new" way of playing.
I'm really hoping they're not thinking of sending us on a bunch of Bounty Hunts (go kill 5 Titans with a screwdriver and Epic Wizards in Phogots armpits) and calling that a "story" Judging from the Queen's Bounties... Oy Vey. 😒
I think they're all kinds of desperate....