Ah but they still provide free DLC with more content than what Bungie is giving us in Destiny. Plus, there isn't constant server disconnects. It's been going strong for a year, but their main component of Co-Op Heists still isn't out. But at least I'll know that what Rockstar advertised is the truth. At some point online heists will be available for free, like they advertised, whereas Bungie gave us a incoherent game with little to no back story, nor was it anywhere near the amount of gameplay that GTA5/online has to offer.
Even though GTA might have "Free" Dlc's they still -blam!- you. Have you seen the new flight school update? you have to spend $20 for shark cards to at least own half of the planes and cars. So don't start this shit. I don't see GTA having to deal with 4-5 worlds for graphics and shit.
But see that's the difference between GTA and Destiny, you have option to spend that money if you want it. But honestly, I have so much cash on my GTA online account that I will/have never needed to buy a shark card, that's thanks to that Double RP/Double Cash event they had way back then, did Rooftop Rumble every 3 minutes flat for a weekend came out with over $35 million. Haven't even gone under $30 million with all the DLC since then. Like I said we have options in GTA, whereas Destiny we really don't if we want to continue to play the game. Plus, you have to admit, GTA's storyline is light years ahead of Destiny's.
Theyve provided free dlc because their whole game got exploited, people running around with tanks and millions of dollars. Plus, you think that giving more races, more drug missions (which are actually all the same) is better than what destiny is giving us? I have to disagree on this my friend. But, go to www.planetdestiny.com and you can see what they are giving us along with this update.
Yes that may be true that the game is highly exploited, but that's because Rockstar let so many people on PC mod their games back in the day. Either way, when you compare the two, from storyline, to mechanics, to replay ability, I still say GTA 5/online wins by miles. The storyline on GTA 5 is awesome, thorough, and hilarious. Destiny's "storyline" is pathetic, disjointed, has very dry humor, and incoherent like the million engrams I've decrypted... Both have awesome and fluid mechanics, which keep me coming back to both, however, at what point of killing the same mob that spawns in the same exact place become pointless? I honestly haven't had any fun in this game for a few weeks besides Crucible, for that exact reason, all the mobs have the same exact spawn points, act/respond the same exact way, and even at higher levels it's not even challenging, the enemies are just bullet sponges! They can't even switch it up on us, which is also pathetic. Also, you claim Rockstar releases DLC for free because of the rampant exploits, but that is not the case, it is actually because they feel they can make more money with micro transactions, which I'm fine with, because every DLC doesn't have enough content to justify paying for it, [b]just like Destiny's DLC, it's not big enough to justify paying for it.[/b] Plus, on top of all of that, GTA is open world, something Bungie claimed Destiny was to be, yet another fail on Bungie's part to deliver. GTA is miles ahead of Destiny as it stands, so Bungie better start figuring it out, since once Online heists come out, I'll be back with my 100 person crew doing heists instead of tediously mind-numbing bullet sponges we call enemies on Destiny...