So with the light level increase, the min. level of the new raid is probably going to be increased as well.
I hope I'll have to grind my way trough TVoG, (which I've never done before) and upgrade my non-existent exotic gear in order to reach high levels. Just to do THE SAME EXACT THING with the new raid and the new gear with paying extra money for it?
And the same over and over again with future dlcs?
F*** you.
the minum raid level for the next DLC will be 28 on normal, 32 on hard, with the VoG being 26/30 i got to 28 without raid gear, and could even hit 29, so its not a problem. also, the raid is amazingly fun with a group all using headsets, i never used my headset before, but that was a unique gaming experience
strange seeing a level 26 with no Exotics. have you tried doing weekly strikes for coins?
Yes, I've been saving up motes of light and strange coins as well if I see something for my warlock or hunter.
Edited by IreTheTiger: 10/30/2014 12:28:08 PMWhy play an MMO then? Thats the 'fun' of the MMO experience. Wow is at level 9x-1xx already (when you buy newest expansion you are automatically upgraded to edit:90 - just saw the commercial).
Currently you are maxxed out at 90 and the expansion will allow you to hit 100. It's an instant boost to 90(not 95) when you preorder WoD. Just want to make sure you have the right information. PLAY WOW!!!
Thanks for update. I wouldn't play wow because it IS so mature now. Id feel left out of a lot of the action, needing to make up for all the previous story and raids etc. id always feel like im missing something
Dude, thing is, no matter how late you come into WoW, as soon as you hit the level cap, you can go back and solo all the old content if you want to get the story, or you can wowhead, people aren't as concerned with what you did prior as long as you are good for what is current. I took a year break and returned about a month ago, and just got right back into it and am having a blast again, mainly because I played this and went back to a game with content. Now I am super excited for November 13th.
My problem is that all of this has been cut from the original game. My problem is not with grinding, I tought I'd be bothered by it, but no, the game is fun, and the same strikes manage to keep me entertained as well. But paying extra for cut content is something I stongly disagree with.
Edited by Draconis1981: 10/30/2014 12:26:14 PMhere, here but poor bungie need to make a crust. this might have been a better plan for them to make a crust rather than what they have done.
Probably, but I highly doubt they care about anything besides making insane amounts of money at this point.
Im bothered by that a bit too, but then it becomes philosophical. If I give you a license to use images on a cd in a folder called collection1-city-scapes but the cd has 15 folders of different art categories, does that give you the right to use the other pics? No it doesnt. In this situation its based on trust (i have seen this alot for picture cds byw). Same thing applies here. They say you have a license for this part of the content. Buy a new license for the other parts (aka dlc). Thinking about it like this has helped me continue to enjoy the game. The game is fun yet only when your friends are on. I missed a raid session other day and decided to just do patrols/story to farm... Couldnt last more then a hour it was sooo boring without my fireteam to joke and bs with. The fire team is the magic of the game.
Thats the MMO element