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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 11:59:07 AM
OH MY GOD! YOU XBOX-PEOPLE STOP COMPLAINING! Destiny is for both consoles but obviously its more on the PlayStation side. Do you guys know how many PlayStation owners want to play Forza horizon 2? (including my self) and Forza would be AWESOME with PlayStation graphics. But Forza is an Xbox Exclusive. My point is PlayStation and Xbox both have exclusives but Destiny isn't one. SO SHUT UP. YOU DON'T SEE PLAYSTATION OWNERS GETTING BUTTHURT DO YOU?

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  • So you being a PS user, wanting content that's supported on Xbox, should know how we feel. Just because it's happened to you, and you're now in a position where you're at an advantage, it doesn't wipe away the fact that it's a bad practice. I don't care what console's content is being withheld, it's bullshit. I was fine with it at launch, Playstation needed an upfront advantage to get into the market. They needed to give people incentive to go with them. Standard marketing, whatever. But continuing to do it, and withholding that content for a year is a huge letdown. I would feel the same way if Destiny were favoring the Xbox. It's another thing in this industry that's poisonous to us who just want to sit down and enjoy a game. Could I just go out and buy a PS4? Sure. Do I want to spend that much money on top of the money I've paid for Destiny? Not so much, especially when I've got my eye on the X1 for other games. Them holding back the content does no more than irritate me, and frankly pushes me away from even wanting a Playstation console purely out of resistance of accepting this as a business practice. While I love the fact that Bungie made this multi-platform - something I applaud - I don't particularly like having to wait a year to get something I thought was already going to be a part of the package. I don't like being dramatic about things, but I'm a little fed up with all of this. "It's just one strike, it's just some armor, etc". I don't care, if we continue to make this okay, we're going to be missing out on a lot more in the future.

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  • First off it isn't just that the strike is a little later for Xbox. Some of us can't afford another console and then we have to wait a whole year to get it at the same price. It does seem pretty unfair for us. I see all the stuff you guys miss out on, but still, a whole year just for having a different console is ridiculous. I can see maybe 1-3 months, but not 12. You guys get most dlcs a week later on Xbox games such as COD but still, that's 365 days. Think how you would feel if you had that.

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  • It different though, I guess play station has to do the same thing with call of duty when waiting for dlc to come out but the fact that play station is getting a whole extra strike for a year before Xbox gets it is ridiculous. For other games play station gets the same content in the dlc they might just get it a few weeks later, not a year. On the forza thing you mentioned, that's just a game company that doesn't feel as though they will make enough money off of ply station. But play station also has their own exclusive games that Xbox does not get. So Xbox players do have a little bit to complain about considering play station will have content almost a full year before Xbox gets it.

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  • Wait... This is just about a strike.... YOU DO KNOW THAT THE GAME WAS GOING TO BE JUST FOR PLAYSTATION RIGHT?????

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  • Bungie/Activision quickly realised that they would lose millions by not making it for xbox. I would love to see the numbers on which condole has more players.

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  • But it isn't at release so invalid argument. The point is Xbox players pay the same price for DLC yet have to wait an entire year for all the stuff they paid for. A month is pretty standard. CoD dlc is a month. A year is like forever in the gaming world.

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  • THEY WERE GOING TO MAKE IT A Ps4 EXCLUSIVE GAME!!! Maybe then it would be harder for xbox to bitch. "Oh look halo looks cool, oh it's for xbox, oh well" You guys are lucky to have destiny on the xbox at all.

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  • I do see it. A lot actually. Mainly with COD stuff. If you look through the forums you can find some PS users complaining about it.

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  • A month delay is nothing to a year. That's the point.

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  • so sad xboxers. Y'all got knocked out. Prob explains the PS exclusives. Since we all know bungie is in it for the money. They will go to where its more common. Sucks. But its the truth. Makes my Xbox 1 almost useless. Just glad I got a ps4 also.

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  • this is moot, its not about which console has more sales or which console has the bigger e-peen its about treating BOTH consoles with some degree of fairness. giving the ps some exclusives in the beginning, fine. but giving them 35% more content in the 1st "expansion" that is crippling to the xbox players in a game where then "end game" is a grind. The LEAST they can do is give us the content after a month or two... or release the previous exclusi9ve content with each additional expoansion release. 1 full year later is a long time to wait for content that an xbox owner is already paying for... and i can almost promise that the missing content will be another 20$ DLC.

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  • Or did they say something like fall of 2015 cuz yeah I agree with all Xbox users ....some bullshit.. I've been trying to figure out their lean. And the only thing that I could think of would have been the sales thing other than that I have no clue why the f*** they're treating the Xbox so much differently than the PlayStation

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  • Is it really full year cuz I was under the impression it might be like January in a couple months but is it reallyfull year damn that sucks. No sarcasm there what's the release date for it do you know

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  • I wish that it would happen but realistically we all know that they never be fair to each console exactly how we want them to.

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  • There is no incentive to continue playing. I will rephrase this: We've been DENIED OUR LEGEND. I mean it. Killing a blob 'god' is not enough. We need stuff that HAPPENS rather than just a giant glass Vex that just happens to want to rewrite the game and never manages. We need stuff that isn't phased into a Vex-biased story! WE NEED MORE STUFF TO DO. You guys on Playstation get ONE more thing. That ONE more thing could be the biggest difference between 'how many ppl still playing'.

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  • A twenty minute strike shoudnt make people stop playing. Their just selfish if their that immature.

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  • What I mean, is that Destiny is still in it's Beta stage. We have all been deceived.

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  • I agree, I don't think exclusives should be a thing. But I've spent years hearing nothing but 'we have gears of warrrr!' Or 'xbox has halo, master race!' You should be thankful you have destiny in the first place, not getting a strike and a gun until later is a bit pathetic to get annoyed over.

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  • Everyone, regardless of what console they own, should be upset by exclusives. The more any one side does it the more the other is going to try and match it. Everyone loses

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  • Personally, I don't care about exclusives. I'm a gamer, not some ps4 or Xbox fanboy. I enjoy the games that developers make. I own all the different consoles, so that I can play any game that looks like fun. So when infamous came out? I played it. Forza? Played that too. So yes, when I pay the money to play destiny on Xbox, since a vast majority of my friends play all their multiplayer games on Xbox, I'm going to do the same so that I can play with them. And knowing that sony is getting exclusive content for the same price, same game, same everything, but just because it's a different console is crap. You want exclusives? Make it permanent. Make it a full fledged console exclusive. If a game is multi-platform, it should be just that. No exclusive content on one side versus the other.

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  • ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...

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  • [quote]SO SHUT UP. YOU DON'T SEE PLAYSTATION OWNERS GETTING BUTTHURT DO YOU?[/quote] This point normally wouldn't sway my opinion, but the ALL CAPS...well, you just can't argue with this logic.

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  • Forza sucks.

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  • [quote]SO SHUT UP. YOU DON'T SEE PLAYSTATION OWNERS GETTING BUTTHURT DO YOU?[/quote] So what's going on hear then?

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  • I agree. I want a universal console. But, in this world, that doesn't work. If there was just one brand of console then there would not be any competition in the console video game market. Thus, nothing to influence price fluctuations.

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