Q: So bungie, how'd you manage to create all this DLC content from scratch, a month or so after release of the title, aswell as keeping on top of updates and hotfixes? You must be working so hard...
A: We didn't! Imagine the final product as a loaf of bread. we baked that loaf a while ago, and now we are selling it to you in slices, buttered with a bit of filling. We all know a sandwich will sell for almost as much as a loaf ! Enjoy >:)
Ps. We see you all complaining but it's too late bitches, title sales and preordered dlc already made us rich!
They do that on purpose, that way they can go ahead and release dlcs to keep the community happy for the time being, all they will do is make minor fixes depending on customers reactions to the base of the game
If you look closely you will notice that bungie don't refer to the extra content as DLC they use the term expansion pack, apparently that is because the first 2 expansion packs are sitting there ready to go on the game disk we already bought back in September. So then, Bungie and Activision are charging us to unlock the data we already paid for and have in our possession. Thanks Bungie, Thanks Activision.
Wow your retarted.
Thanks for the insight, f@ckhead.
Everyone look at this thread please http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/70857341/0/0
This was already the initial launch plan was to launch the game with this dlc in it but bungie took it out to make more money you greedy -blam!-s
Developments usually goes in stages with multiple steps starting and finishing during the process. They started the expansion before the game released, obviously. Use the bread analogy but go back a bit further in the process: proofing. They made the dough a little while ago, but had to let it rest before throwing it in the oven.
Lmao in devs head they lol'd also bcuz its true good concept game but come on man stop trying to bleed us of our cash
Your very smart.