I'd just like to say, from reading the contents of this expansion. WHY THE EXCLUSIVE SHIT!!!! In a game where there's already nothing to do your gonna basically punish anyone playing on xbox or PC by giving playstation yet more exclusive content. Yeah you might have a deal with them bungie but I've -blam!-ing had it with exclusive content, I'd be saying the same thing if it was exclusive to my platform. It's disgusting to make gamers loose out on content because we don't have a certain platform but you'll make us pay the same price. Yeah it's only 1 strike and 1 weapon but that's still an extra activity everyone else misses out on. Your like restricting your own art :s so much for being an "independent company". Obviously not making your own choices for your game otherwise I don't think you'd of so quickly turned your back on the people that supported you through everything and made you who you are... And then you run to Sony :') funny. Devs please for the betterment of gaming stop with console exclusive content!
I am looking at cod and it pisses me off, i don't want 2 week exclusivity I couldn't care less, it's like devs are trying to pit us against each other. I dream for the day where one console rules them all. When the gaming community becomes one big community that all get to look forward to same great releases with out worrying if you've got the right platform or not. I mean look at tomb raider, I'm an xbox player and put it this way, I'm very pissed off about it. I actually laughed in disgusted and I'm sure I don't have to say why
They don't care about the betterment of anything. It's all about the almighty $$$
Look at cod man... Xbox get exclusives
Oh yeah I get that, but in my opinion exclusive content needs to be abolished, I hate when I get exclusive stuff (xbox one) and I hate that in the 360 days playstation owners never got to play halo or gears just as I bought a playstation to play uncharted. Like I'm a musician as well and I would never ever think of restricting my art to a select set of listeners because they still listen to cd so it never goes to download or what ever. No I want everyone to be able to enjoy it regardless of the money they've spent or what they listen to it on and I wouldn't sell out either. It's the same deal, all devs do with exclusive content is restrict them selfs, I mean yeah you have cash now but forever your bound to one audience... Well done, you just censored your self to anyone outside of that platform :') I just don't see a benefit a part from the paying party, it's like a silent scam
bcos of that lovely Sony $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
2 weapons* both Hawkmoon and Monte Carlo are PS exclusive.
Just saying the dust palace sucks...no one knows how to kill one psion flayer at a time so you are actually lucky to not have as part of your strike playlist...and sorry hawk moon does look awesome :)