Instead off pumkin heads that barley work fix ur loot system i mean really five strange coins for nitefall when u get nine for heroic yeah a pumkin head really makes it all better deuchbags
Edited by Hitmontonia: 10/30/2014 12:24:37 PMI got 6 strange coins for last week. My team mates got exotic helm and gun, for killing phogoth.... I was rather enraged. And the worst part is that phogoth fully healed after he was down to a third health.
he glitched when I did it. he disappeared and ended the strike. i got an Unwilling Soul 09 from it!
Edited by Hitmontonia: 10/30/2014 12:29:45 PMHe didn't disappear for us, he teleported back to the front his chains reattached. The ads stood still for about 20 seconds, then a slight lag. Boom, start from full hp again.
bad luck. couldn't help but laugh at getting a legendary just for killing some Hive.