I think u should call the makers of defiance and beg them to tell u how to make an mmorpg cause u need help bad
[quote]I think u should call the makers of defiance and beg them to tell u how to make an mmorpg cause u need help bad[/quote] Defiance? Really? Thats the mmo u think they should take example of? Bhahahaha
You know the devs are doing terribly when somebody thinks defiance in better than destiny XD
haha, that's the first thing that came to my mind. I literally made the >:[ face.
Lalw, Defiance it terrible. Why didn't you mention a better game? World of Warcraft is also owned by Activision, so that would keep it in house. They have FFIV, Aion, SWTOR, Rift, and many others. Defiance is like, the new Age of Conan.
I did it to make a point lol