[b]Bungie[/b], [b]DeeJ[/b].. I mean.. I am just in awe at this point.
Announcing this expansion, really seems just like a kick in the dick right now.
I'm not trying to hate. I'm sure Bungie has goals and deadlines to meet just like any of us. And for what it is (a very pretty.. but very standard Shooter), Destiny isn't a horrible game. I have enjoyed it for the most part up to this point.
Announcing this expansion shortly after what was apparently a widely unpopular patch, with players continuing to have connection issues while you offer no direct feedback to the feedback in relation to the changes made this week.
Not to mention the laundry list of other issues, complaints and suggestions that you (Bungie) seems to have no aim to address ... No community response, no efforts to appeal to the masses.. No [i]Bridge Building[/i].. as indicated.
Of course this isn't the first patch where Bungie has made large, seemingly unpopular changes, while providing zero feedback to Gamer feedback... Other than to say, we are reading your comments, taking them in .. and discussing daily.
Without of course.. providing any actual feedback to specific points or requests that anyone has had so far, sure some comments regarding them in News.. but vague responses only without of course a time frame. Soon.. is not a time frame.
Is this to be the norm then [b]Bungie[/b]/[b]Deej[/b]? Is this part of the [i]10 year Destiny plan[/i]
Making changes without addressing the [i]community[/i] ..other than what you post in your typically short (inadequate) weekly update?
If so, i believe Destiny will continue to struggle to find a home in the hearts of the larger community of us [b]Gamers[/b]. Myself included.
And with new titles releasing over the next two months for both Consoles and PC Gamers..
I believe your poor decisions thus far... Will [b]soon[/b] have a resounding impact that even [i]you[/i] will find hard to ignore. . while you continue to forge your own future with, Destiny.
[b] - Gamer[/b]
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