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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 12:42:04 PM
Ok seriously bungie we need an announcement made fast and not a week later. This isent just your xbox players mad here. When you have players that get the exclusive deal that are mad thateans you done just -blam!-ed up. As an xbox player im extreamly dissappointed. I got over playstation players getiing shit at launch, BUT WHY THE -blam!- ARE YOU STILL HOLDING OUT ON YOUR XBOX FAN BASE? I MEAN COME THE F U C K ON. XBOX HAS PROVIN THEY CAN GET SHIT DONE ON YOUR GAME. XBOX PLAYERS BEAT VOG FIRST, THERE SETTING RECORDS LEFT AND RIGHT, AND ON TOP OF THAT YOU SOLD MORE COPIES OF YOUR -blam!-ING GAME ON XBOX ONE COMPARED TO PS4. I SWEAR TO GOD THIS ISENT SOME TYPE OF BULLSHIT LIKE TOMBRAIDRR AND PONYS GETTING ALL MAD OVER NOTHING. YOU ARE GIVING SONY PLAYERS MORE FOR EXTRA -blam!-ING MONEY. I PRE ORDERED DESTINY AS SOON AS YOU SAID IT WAS COMING OUT. I PRE ORDERED THE GAME BEFORE THIS GEN WAS EVEN KNOWN ABOUT YET. SO WHEN I SAY BUNGIE ON THE LOGO AND AFTER MY DISSAPPOINTMENT OF HALO 4 AND SAW YOU HAD SOMETHING NEW COMING I JUMPED AND PAID 60 2 -blam!-ING YEARS BEFORE THE GAME CAME OUT. NOW CAN YOU COMPREHEND HOW -blam!-ING PISSED I AM THAT THE ONLY CONSOLE ILL PLAY ON IS THE XBOX ONE AND SINCE XBOX IS ALL I LIKE I WONT -blam!-ING OWN A DUMB ASS PS4 IK FOR A FACT ILL HATE IT AND ILL BE SUPPORTING SOME JAPENSE TINY DICK -blam!- AND IM NOT DOING THAT. MMERICA ALL THE WAY MOTHER -blam!-ERS. ok no more caps the angry stupid part of my rant is over. Goddamnit tho bungie pay activison off and get the sole ownnership I really think its the only way that ill ever respect you again. Why did you ever pair up you wernt when you firat annouced and im sure not many people know that. Im a true bungie fan all the way for -blam!- sakes im naming my son after mastercheif and if yall dont make this right I wont anymore his name will have new meaning and not that badass super kickass masterchief. Please think about this dlc shit because unless we get the strike in january your -blam!-ing ripping us off. When did you let us know that if we bought an unrefunable season pass for you game that as an xbox player I was gonna miss out on a strike and get screwed. On top of that HOW DARE YOU MAKE A SECOND RAID COST MORE -blam!-ING MONEY. sorry ik I said no more caps. Look at it this way the game that I seem to compare destiny alot is wow because of the way your game works. Wow makes its player pay 15 a month and they dont complain because they at least get 4 to 5 raids an expainson and that gets people threw a whole year. I saw whats coming got yalls little -blam!- up sneek peak. I also saw there was 2 raids in venus and I swear to god you better -blam!-ing not make another raid from another dlc be on an already exsiting area. I really hate to have so much negative things to say about this game, but you promised me greatness and all ive seen is maybe a human marine without fighting with chief from halo greatness and that not a -blam!-lot. Honestly I think im about to trade you in and put you towards mcc because at least ik that ill love that game and it cant lie to me about the greatness ill experince. Im sorry but unless this is fixed im gonna play sunest overdrive until mcc. I really thought you where the game that made me need no other, but I still have been buying games looking for more to do. Thanks destiny you where sopost to be the last fun in video games before I put down the controller and work all the time and take care of my son. Sincerely, Dropprogression P.S. Ive been playing your games since halo 1 and never have I felt so betrayed you follow thoes call of duty dicks and now youve become one of them. They did this on purpose. The destruction of your game has been an inside job that yall let happen right infront of your eyes. Why would you team up with cod because obviously theyd make sure you lost and thed win. Well that lest my case has finnaly caught the person who sold my shit and ill be going back to the one company ik lives up to its word and thats dice. They tell me where gonna give you something awsome and they do and -blam!- they have ea behind there backs damn.

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