Last time I checked Xbox players are paying the same amount of money for destiny. Why are we always getting less content for stuff. I don't know about you but I would not want to wait a year to get what I paid for now. Please stop being a whore, I know Sony is paying you a lot. But I'd rather you not cut off part of the dlc an expect us to pay the same amount.
One example GTA the whole series is and has always had an xbox exclusive linked to it. Unfortunaly its the price we pay for having 2 fairly equal platforms. Each one will pay big $$$ to get something the other cant blame sony and microsoft cos you cant blame developers for taking the bonuses
I would say usually Xbox gets the cool exclusives. Or at least for games I love on ps3 like cod and skyrim for example
Even when I get exclusives on Xbox I feel bad because PlayStation pays the same price for less content. I think all this anti consumer exclusivity is slowly destroying half a fanbase
Edited by NxJfOrEvEr: 10/30/2014 12:51:07 PMSony paid I ass ton of money for exclusive content the PlayStation like Microsoft Aza Astana money to get exclusive content for Xbox and the PlayStation. I just probably in the contract that they couldn't sign anything with Microsoft for exclusives
Agree. ....