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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 12:50:09 PM
Alright enough joking around. Yes destiny has an amazing fps mechanic...but that doesnt make a good fps. From what I am getting from you, is that you are a grinder (due to the wow) so this is your cup of tea I get that. As far as the crucible goes its a joke. No if ands or buts about it, and this is coming from a guy who played the brakes off some fps multiplayer going all the way back to doom land parties. Now to your point about growin up in the 90's and gamers today, games and gamers evolve and new standards are made and bungie fell short this go round. I just work to hard for my money to pretend I didnt waste it on destiny. If you feel different good on ya, but from all the people I have talked to the number of people ready to drop destiny is growing fast.

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