Destiny could get that back if they offered a stripped down playlist, where guardian abilities are limited to grenade, jump and melee only.
Why would anyone play that? Why go back to 2004 time of online gaming? I you want a lvl playing field then this isn't the game for you. Halo is coming out! I'm looking forward to it myself if you are. But destiny is nice because it gives everyone a one button kill so no one person can run a riot in the game.
It would simply be a nice to have the option to playa less hectic match with less action. Considering there is really only 5 playlists in the crucibles as it is, it wouldn't hurt to expand it. Plus the fact a lot of people are clamoring for Halo:mcc. Proves players still want to play those kinds of matches.
Yea but not in destiny. Halo is halo for a reason. Destiny is it's own game and need to stand by that. You can't strip it down and make it into something it's not. Plus the game is really deep with how things work together from perks from the character to abilities and supers