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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 12:54:25 PM
Points to make to all the comments I'm seeing: 1. Most triple A titles have DLC in development before a game releases. Quit hating on Destiny because it's easy and people will agree with you and make you feel important. [i]Plenty of games[/i] are being sold with expansion passes and games are even coming out with [b]day one[/b] DLC (cough Far Cry 4 cough). 2. DeeJ is not our "link to the dev team" (someone said that. It was cute). DeeJ is a voice that says what Bungie tells him to say. He can relay our information but that doesn't mean anything will happen. Even if he cried and rolled on the floor, [i]he's just a PR guy.[/i] 3. While I like the idea of a company listening to its community as much as anyone else, it's not like it's required. You paid for their game. There was no contract or agreement, you just bought their software. Bungie owes you nothing except what was on that disc. 4. (Yay something people will sort of agree with) I do agree that having an exclusive strike for playstation is stupid (I play PS4) especially when both consoles pay the same price, although there isn't really a logical way to argue the price; they could just as well take the exclusive strike away and charge us all the same price lol. But everyone hates the Dust Palace anyway, so odds are you guys on the Xbox side won't miss much. On a side note I poop myself with laughter every time someone says Bungie needs to remember where they came from and give the Xbox guys something. Yea. It's that funny.

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  • I agree with everything except the dust palace part. I.... Actually like the strike xD

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  • DeeJ is the community manager for Bungie so the dev team should want to know what players are saying to least he's said that on every podcast I've heard him on.

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  • I agree. But I've been in touch with "community managers" before, and while dev teams will hear their comments to an extent, it hardly ever means they'll do anything about it.

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  • That's true that's why I said they should want to know,I kind of think DeeJ is just there to to try to keep the peace.

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  • In this case DLC is not DLC... It's already on the disk. So essentially... They're making you preaches it a second time. It's dirty. The fact that company's take out 3/4ths of the actually retail version and sell it back to you. Expansion? DLC? This is a map pack.... Not a DLC or an expansion.... You've got to be joking me you naive little roach..

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  • Here's the thing man, you know very little about what it takes to make video games. That area that is on the disk that everyone is bitching about is called a placeholder. This is done so that the developers can get the dlc out faster that way people like you won't bitch and complain about how long it's taking to get dlc. Here's a great idea man, why don't you create a game like destiny and let's see how good it is!

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  • Edited by DIRTy: 10/30/2014 1:09:13 PM
    Well I know of one fanboy here who will never have a career in the business world. 1 at this rate Destiny will not last past the DLC. Look at the numbers....9 out of 10 commentors are pissed as hell. If even half of them quit (about 50%) do you think Bungie can keep servers up, devs paid, and work out bugs with a 50% loss in revenue 3 months after launch??! You can watch as servers get shut down for good.

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  • OOPS I FORGOT. Yea you already paid them. So no matter what you do Bungie isn't [i]losing[/i] revenue. Just saying.

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  • Lol so you are saying keeping survers up.paying devs. Paying marketing, paying for utilities doesnt cost them money? Dlc's bring money in to support those costs.....if not then they would be in a constant state of lossing money. This is why mmo's have sub fees. Clearly you know nothing about how businesses run....

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  • I'm not going into business so fair enough. As for lists... 1. 9 out of 10 commenters are people who play the game enough to be considered part of the "hardcore" crowd and feel entitled to more from their big boy games. The casual crowd and their willingness to blow money on more stuff is what's causing the shift in business structure for games. 2. As far as I know Bungie has made back the money that was originally invested, and if you think that money all went towards the main game you're ridiculous. It probably covered the first two DLC's and more. If every tryhard in the world quit (that includes me, sure) you probably still wouldn't be at 50%.

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  • Dude hell yeah lol I agree that fact is gamers have been buying dlc to play on areas that were already in the game for years and nobody has complained till destiny, I just can't wait till COD comes out so everyone can have something else to complain about lol with that said mmo's have been doing that for years it's only recently that console gamers are really getting to see this side of games, it's called an expansion for a reason

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  • I love how you say destiny doesn't owe you anything but what's on the disk....ALL of the dlc is on the disk...the next dlc is on the disk...and the one after that the video then come back and comment...

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  • Already watched it and don't care

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  • Then your part of the problem, and you should be ashamed...I don't know about you but I want games I can play 24/7 and be entertained...I hate catching myself running around bouncing against walls try to just find something to do.

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  • Then go get flappy bird

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  • Has better replay value...

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  • That is why I suggested it

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  • I really have no idea what game would please you if that's what you want. I 100%'d AC4 in less than a week. Did everything possible in Fallout 3 in nearly a month... Your dream game doesn't exist.

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  • Destiny is a great game and I am totally buying the DLC in December

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  • Points for creativity. And I've already seen the video. Look, I think just as much as anyone that this game is lacking in content. Although to be fair, it's mostly just story integration. The worlds could be fleshed out a little more, but it's not bad. The amount of loot doesn't bother me (although the re-skinning of armor does) and don't go comparing it to Borderlands because Borderlands guns are randomly generated. When it comes down to what you see on the disk, the level areas that we can access are mostly placeholders so that they don't have to do much to change the structure of the game and have the download size of DLC be so large. Could they have just given it to us? Probably. But they didn't. They're a company and they're doing what they want. I guess the difference for me is that I actually have fun playing the game, so I don't need to hop on the "let's mindlessly complain" bandwagon.

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  • So you give your view on your take of Destiny because you enjoy playing the game right!? Does everyone have to fit in your world of enjoyed game play? They all have a right to complain or praise it either way. But you can't come on here speaking this way to unhappy gamers when you are in the very few who do like this game and whats handed to you. Your views are yours but they are one sided more than the other simply because you enjoy the game as is.

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  • To be fair I never said people have to like the game. I'm just pointing out that most of what they're actually complaining about is ridiculous. If you want to hate something, at least do it for the right reasons.

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  • Point yes do it constructively you are correct, but at the end of the day its their personal way of getting their thoughts across about their dislike about Destiny. Your post just nearly generalized everyone.

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  • This game was in development before 2009 and I beat (what it has so far) in a month...

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  • I have 2 lvl 30s and a lvl 29 and have to wait a week to do anything that has a purpose...they could have and should have had more content....we are only 2 months in and they are milking us for money...give it time it'll add up

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