Let me guess, the missions are going to be running from A to B, and at one point we're going to have to fight off 3 waves of enemies while dinklebot opens a door, or collects data?
PLEASE MAKE SURE TO POST **SPOILER ALERT** I have been waiting to play the new story missions since the day I finished the base game story, (the day I got the base game). You just ruined the story immersion for me now that i know what the missions are going to be... LOL!
Pretty sure they said that missions are going to be more similar to the exotic bounty missions... so play through the same strike X times without dying, spend some glimmer on some stuff for some reason or another, play a few rounds of PvP and you're done.
Yeah apparently inspired by the thorn bounty...oh joy
Wait...you've played the missions already??? HACKER!
"we've woken the Hive!"
^ this makes so much sense to me ahah